ZTE Communications ›› 2023, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 15-24.DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202301003
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ZHANG Weiting1, LIANG Haotian2, XU Yuhua2, ZHANG Chuan2()
About author:
ZHANG Weiting and LIANG Haotian contribute equally in this work.Supported by:
ZHANG Weiting, LIANG Haotian, XU Yuhua, ZHANG Chuan. Reliable and Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning with Anomalous Users[J]. ZTE Communications, 2023, 21(1): 15-24.
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URL: https://zte.magtechjournal.com/EN/10.12142/ZTECOM.202301003
User Privacy Preservation | Robust to User Instability | Support for Anomalous Users | Collusion Resistance | Server Setting | |
PPDL[ | √ | Single-cloud | |||
PPML[ | √ | √ | √ | Single-cloud | |
SecProbe[ | √ | √ | √ | Single-cloud | |
PPFDL[ | √ | √ | √ | Two non-colluding clouds | |
RPPFL | √ | √ | √ | √ | Single-cloud |
Table 1 Comparison of RPPFL and other existing works
User Privacy Preservation | Robust to User Instability | Support for Anomalous Users | Collusion Resistance | Server Setting | |
PPDL[ | √ | Single-cloud | |||
PPML[ | √ | √ | √ | Single-cloud | |
SecProbe[ | √ | √ | √ | Single-cloud | |
PPFDL[ | √ | √ | √ | Two non-colluding clouds | |
RPPFL | √ | √ | √ | √ | Single-cloud |
Notation | Meaning |
A large positive integer | |
The set of integers modulo | |
The multiplicative group of reversible elements of | |
The number of users | |
The number of the selected users | |
The number of gradient types | |
A big integer of the magnitude of 10 | |
The | |
The integer corresponding to the enlargement of | |
The aggregated result of the | |
The reliability (indicates the data quality) of the user | |
The coefficient used to amplify users’ reliability | |
The secret key of the selected user | |
The secret key of the aggregation server | |
The ciphertext encrypted by a public key | |
The random value selected by the user |
Table 2 Frequently used notations
Notation | Meaning |
A large positive integer | |
The set of integers modulo | |
The multiplicative group of reversible elements of | |
The number of users | |
The number of the selected users | |
The number of gradient types | |
A big integer of the magnitude of 10 | |
The | |
The integer corresponding to the enlargement of | |
The aggregated result of the | |
The reliability (indicates the data quality) of the user | |
The coefficient used to amplify users’ reliability | |
The secret key of the selected user | |
The secret key of the aggregation server | |
The ciphertext encrypted by a public key | |
The random value selected by the user |
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