Manuscript Template

  • [1]

    Preparation of Papers for ZTE Communications


    First A. AUTHOR 1, Second B. AUTHOR2, Third C. AUTHOR1

     (1. university, city zipcode, country;

    2. institute/company, city zipcode, country)





    This document is a template for papers submitted to ZTE Communications. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further. Paper titles are generally nouns or noun phrases and should be short—preferably fewer than 15 words. Full names of authors are preferred in the author field. Asian names (ie. Korean, Japanese, Chinese) are written according to the normal naming customs in the author’s own country; eg., a Chinese name would be written surname (in all uppercase characters) followed by given name. No more than 5 authors are suggested due to space limit. An abstract should be written as a single paragraph (approximately 150 words). The abstract should not include mathematics or references and should not be repeated verbatim in the introduction or conclusion. The abstract should be a self-contained overview of the aims, methods, experimental results, and significance of research outlined in the paper.


    Keywords: Enter 35 key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons




    1 Introduction

    This document is a paper template for ZTE Communications.


    ZTE Communications is a peer-reviewed international technical journal (ISSN 1673-5188 and CODEN ZCTOAK), sponsored by ZTE Corporation. It is published quarterly as a printed publication and can also be freely accessed at The journal covers a wide range of topics in the field of ICT. It has become an integrated forum for university academics and industry researchers from around the world. The forty-six members of the Editorial Board are distinguished international experts, nineteen of whom are fellows of the IEEE Society.


    ZTE Communications was founded in 2003 and has a readership of 2500. The English version is distributed to universities, colleges, and research institutes in more than 140 countries. It is listed in Inspec, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Abstract Journal (AJ), Index of Copurnicus, Chinese Journal Fulltext Databases, Wanfang Data—Digital Periodicals, and China Science and Technology Journal Database. It is also listed in 2019 The Excellent International Impact Academic Journal of China.


    2 Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

    Manuscripts must be typed in English and submitted electronically in MS Word (or compatible) format. The word length is approximately 3000 to 8000, and no more than 10 figures and tables should be included. Authors are requested to submit mathematical material and graphics in an editable format.


    The editorial office will do the final formatting of your paper. All papers submitted to ZTE Communications are edited to correct fundamental errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation and to ensure clarity and consistency of expression. All care has been taken not to alter your intended technical meaning.


    2.1 Subheadings

    It is preferable to use no more than two levels of subheadings (primary and secondary), and the levels should be carefully differentiated. Ideally we try not to go below a second level subheading. Note that there is no period after the final number.


    2.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms

    When introducing a new term in an article, it is good practice to use the full name on its first occurrence, followed by the abbreviated form in parentheses. For example, its future research will include media access control (MAC) level (first mention of Media Access Control in the article), and the design of MAC protocol for multi-radio technology (subsequent mention).


    Do not automatically capitalize the first letter of technical terms when they are written out. Only proper nouns are capitalized.


    2.2.1 Avoid Unwarranted Abbreviations

    The use of abbreviations should be avoided when they would be confusing to the reader, interrupt the flow, or appear informal. For example, approx. for approximate or approximately should generally not be used, although it may be useful for reducing the width of an infobox or a table of data, or in a technical passage in which the term occurs many times.


    2.2.2 Articles (a, an, and the) with Abbreviations and Acronyms

    Use the appropriate article (a, an, or the) with abbreviations and acronyms when you would use that article in speech. In general, if an acronym (like NASA or NATO) is pronounced as a word rather than as a series of letters (CDMA, WiMAX), we do not need an article when the acronym is used as a noun. The choice between using a or an with an acronym or abbreviation is governed by how the acronym or abbreviation is typically spoken. According to these guidelines, we get the following:

    A NASA scientist was honored at last night's dinner.

    An IEEE meeting on subjective testing of voiceband codecs.

    He is an associate professor at BUPT.


    2.3 Capital Letters

    In the magazine we avoid unnecessary capitalization;  capitalization is used for proper names, acronyms, and initialisms. Capitals should never be used for emphasis.


    In headings and subheadings, capitalize the first letter of all nouns, verbs (including is and other forms of to be), adverbs (including than and when), adjectives (including this and that), and pronouns (including its) both in headings and subheadings.


    2.4    Tables and Figures

    All tables and figures, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, should be arranged sequentially and numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (eg. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Table 1.). Each figure and table should have a brief explanatory title: for figures, placed below the figure; for tables, placed above the table. The first letter of the title of the table or figure should be capitalized.


    3 Copyright and Declaration

    Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material for which they do not hold copyright. Permission to reproduce any part of this publication for commercial use must be obtained in advance from the editorial office of ZTE Communications. Authors agree that a) the manuscript is a product of research conducted by themselves and the stated co-authors, b) the manuscript has not been published elsewhere in its submitted form, c) the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. If the paper is an adaptation of a speech or presentation, acknowledgement of this is required within the paper. The number of co-authors should not exceed five.


    4 Peer-Review and Editing

    All manuscripts will be subject to a two-stage anonymous peer review as well as copyediting, and formatting. Authors may be asked to revise parts of a manuscript prior to publication.


    5 Conclusions

    Although a conclusion may review the main points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion.



    Individuals who contributed to the manuscript should be acknowledged in a brief statement. The Acknowledgment head is a primary heading. Do not enumerate the Acknowledgment heading. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments are not placed here.



    Manuscripts must be referenced at a level that conforms to international academic standards. All references must be numbered sequentially in-text and listed in corresponding order at the end of the paper. References that are not cited in-text should not be included in the reference list. References must be complete and formatted. (Doi is required if possible.) A minimum of 10 references should be provided. Footnotes should be avoided or kept to a minimum.


    Basic format for books:

    [1]     AUTHOR J K. Title of chapter in the book [M]. City of Publisher, Country: Publisher, year


    [2]     LUO F-L. Digital front-end in wireless communications and broadcasting: circuits and signal processing, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2011


    Basic format for periodicals:

    [3]     AUTHOR J K. Name of paper [J]. Title of periodical, year, vol. x(no. x): xxxxxx. DOI: xxx/xxx


    [4]     KHASNABISH B. Smart body sensor object networking [J]. ZTE communications, 2014, 12(3): 3845. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2014.03.005


    Basic format for conference proceedings (published):

    [5]     AUTHOR J K. Title of paper [C]//Name of Conf. City of Conf., Country: Publisher, year: xxxxxx. DOI: xxx/xxx


    [6]     MACALUSO I, CORNEAN H, MARCHETTI N, et al. Complex communication systems achieving interference-free frequency allocation [C]//IEEE International Conference on Communications. Sydney, Australia: IEEE, 2014: 1447–1452. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2014.6883525


    Basic format for standards:

    [7]     Standardization Organization. Title of standard: standard number [S]. date


    [8]     3GPP. Evolved universal terrestrial radio access (E-UTRA), user equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception: TS 36.101 [S]. 2013


    Basic format for reports:

    [9]     AUTHOR J K. Name of Report [R]. City, Country: Company/Institute, year


    [10]  World Health Organization. Factors Regulating the Immune Response: Report of WHO Scientific Group [R]. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 1970


    Basic format for online sources:

    [11]  AUTHOR J K. Title [EB/OL]. (year-month-day)[year-month-day]. http://www. (URL)


    [12]  MNT. Implantable Device Treats Heart Failure Patients with Central Sleep Apnea [EB/OL]. (2014-05-20)[2017-01-06].



    Manuscript received: year-month-day



    (All authors are requested to provide a brief biography (no more than 150 words) that includes educational background, career experience, research interests, awards, and publications. The corresponding author should also provide an email address.)

    First A. AUTHOR (email@address) provides a brief biography (no more than 150 words) that includes email address, educational background, career experience, research interests, awards, and publications.


    Second B. AUTHOR provides a brief biography (no more than 150 words) that includes educational background, career experience, research interests, awards, and publications.



    Third C. AUTHOR provides a brief biography (no more than 150 words) that includes educational background, career experience, research interests, awards, and publications.





    The footnote of the first page will contain support information, including the program name, funding body, and grant number. For example, “This work was supported in part by China ‘973’ Program under Grant No. 2014CB340303”.

  • 2023-05-22 Visited: 1517