ZTE Communications ›› 2023, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 38-45.DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202301005
• Special Topic • Previous Articles Next Articles
YAN Jintao1, CHEN Tan1, XIE Bowen1, SUN Yuxuan2, ZHOU Sheng1(), NIU Zhisheng1
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YAN Jintao, CHEN Tan, XIE Bowen, SUN Yuxuan, ZHOU Sheng, NIU Zhisheng. Hierarchical Federated Learning: Architecture, Challenges, and Its Implementation in Vehicular Networks[J]. ZTE Communications, 2023, 21(1): 38-45.
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URL: https://zte.magtechjournal.com/EN/10.12142/ZTECOM.202301005
Highlight | Reference |
A comprehensive survey of FL in wireless networks | Ref. [ |
A tutorial on timely edge learning, aiming to minimize the communication and computation latency in FL training | Ref. [ |
A comprehensive survey of FL and MEC | Ref. [ |
A tutorial on the implementation of FL in vehicular networks and the major challenges of learning and communications | Ref. [ |
Table 1 Existing surveys on FL
Highlight | Reference |
A comprehensive survey of FL in wireless networks | Ref. [ |
A tutorial on timely edge learning, aiming to minimize the communication and computation latency in FL training | Ref. [ |
A comprehensive survey of FL and MEC | Ref. [ |
A tutorial on the implementation of FL in vehicular networks and the major challenges of learning and communications | Ref. [ |
Category | Highlight | Reference |
Convergence analysis | Effect of edge and cloud aggregation intervals and local update step size with both convex and non-convex loss functions | Ref. [ |
Extending Ref. [ | Ref. [ | |
Effect of local iterations, edge epochs, global epochs, network topology and node heterogeneity on the convergence performance for a graph-based edge topology | Ref. [ | |
Extending Ref. [ | Ref. [ | |
Mobility-aware HFL | Ref. [ | |
Resource management | Joint resource allocation and edge association | Refs. [ |
Joint resource allocation and interval control | Ref. [ | |
Joint resource allocation and incentive mechanism design | Ref. [ | |
Other practical considerations | Multi-stage HFL with device-to-device communications | Ref. [ |
Table 2 Summary of recent papers on HFL
Category | Highlight | Reference |
Convergence analysis | Effect of edge and cloud aggregation intervals and local update step size with both convex and non-convex loss functions | Ref. [ |
Extending Ref. [ | Ref. [ | |
Effect of local iterations, edge epochs, global epochs, network topology and node heterogeneity on the convergence performance for a graph-based edge topology | Ref. [ | |
Extending Ref. [ | Ref. [ | |
Mobility-aware HFL | Ref. [ | |
Resource management | Joint resource allocation and edge association | Refs. [ |
Joint resource allocation and interval control | Ref. [ | |
Joint resource allocation and incentive mechanism design | Ref. [ | |
Other practical considerations | Multi-stage HFL with device-to-device communications | Ref. [ |
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