ZTE Communications ›› 2022, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 3-14.DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202204002
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CAO Yinfeng(), CAO Jiannong, WANG Yuqin, WANG Kaile, LIU Xun
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CAO Yinfeng (Supported by:
CAO Yinfeng, CAO Jiannong, WANG Yuqin, WANG Kaile, LIU Xun. Security in Edge Blockchains: Attacks and Countermeasures[J]. ZTE Communications, 2022, 20(4): 3-14.
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URL: https://zte.magtechjournal.com/EN/10.12142/ZTECOM.202204002
Figure 2 System architecture of a typical edge blockchain which follows a three-layer pattern with different blockchain components and functionalities
Components | Attacks | Countermeasures | Related Works |
Blockchain management | Identity credential provider compromise | Decentralization and transparent identity management | Refs. [ |
Supply chain attack | Threat detection system and automated code analysis | Refs. [ | |
Blockchain consensus | Sharding-based consensus attack | Atomic commit and order-fairness consensus | Refs. [ |
DDoS on a memory pool | Increase of the costs of malicious transactions | Refs. [ | |
Insecure computation offloading | Secure multi-party computation | Refs. [ | |
Blockchain lightweight client | Key compromise | New recovery operations on blockchain and robust key management | Refs. [ |
Malicious full node | Reputation system and game-theoretic approach | Refs. [ |
Table 1 Attacks and countermeasures on edge blockchain components
Components | Attacks | Countermeasures | Related Works |
Blockchain management | Identity credential provider compromise | Decentralization and transparent identity management | Refs. [ |
Supply chain attack | Threat detection system and automated code analysis | Refs. [ | |
Blockchain consensus | Sharding-based consensus attack | Atomic commit and order-fairness consensus | Refs. [ |
DDoS on a memory pool | Increase of the costs of malicious transactions | Refs. [ | |
Insecure computation offloading | Secure multi-party computation | Refs. [ | |
Blockchain lightweight client | Key compromise | New recovery operations on blockchain and robust key management | Refs. [ |
Malicious full node | Reputation system and game-theoretic approach | Refs. [ |
Figure 5 Bitcoin simplified payment verification (SPV): a lightweight blockchain client for Bitcoin, which only stores the block headers to reduce costs
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