ZTE Communications ›› 2015, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 46-50.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2015.03.009

• Research Paper • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Crawler for Nodes in the Internet of Things

Xuemeng Li, Yongyi Wang, Fan Shi, Wenchao Jia   

  1. Department of Computer Science, Electronic Engineering Institute, Hefei 230037, China
  • Received:2015-04-22 Online:2015-09-25 Published:2015-09-25
  • About author:Xuemeng Li (benqer@126.com) received her BS degree in computer science from Electronic Engineering Institute. She is currently a graduate student at the Electronic Engineering Institute, Hefei. Her research interest is computer security.
    Yongyi Wang (rose_1203@yeah.net) is a professor of computer science at the Electronic Engineering Institute. He receives his graduate degree at the Electronic Engineering Institute. His research interest is computer security.
    Fan Shi (shif00@gmail.com) received his master′s degree in computer science from Electronic Engineering Institute. He now works in Electronic Engineering Institute. His research interests include networks and search engine.
    Wenchao Jia (jiatoday2013@163.com) received his master′s degree at the Electronic Engineering Institute. He is currently a PhD candidate there. His research interests include networks and big data.
  • Supported by:
    This research work is supported by the ZTE Corporation and University Joint Research Project under Grant No. CON1307100001, and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China under Grant No. 2013AA013602.

Crawler for Nodes in the Internet of Things

Xuemeng Li, Yongyi Wang, Fan Shi, Wenchao Jia   

  1. Department of Computer Science, Electronic Engineering Institute, Hefei 230037, China
  • 作者简介:Xuemeng Li (benqer@126.com) received her BS degree in computer science from Electronic Engineering Institute. She is currently a graduate student at the Electronic Engineering Institute, Hefei. Her research interest is computer security.
    Yongyi Wang (rose_1203@yeah.net) is a professor of computer science at the Electronic Engineering Institute. He receives his graduate degree at the Electronic Engineering Institute. His research interest is computer security.
    Fan Shi (shif00@gmail.com) received his master′s degree in computer science from Electronic Engineering Institute. He now works in Electronic Engineering Institute. His research interests include networks and search engine.
    Wenchao Jia (jiatoday2013@163.com) received his master′s degree at the Electronic Engineering Institute. He is currently a PhD candidate there. His research interests include networks and big data.
  • 基金资助:
    This research work is supported by the ZTE Corporation and University Joint Research Project under Grant No. CON1307100001, and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China under Grant No. 2013AA013602.

Abstract: Determining the application and version of nodes in the Internet of Things (IoT) is very important for warning about and managing vulnerabilities in the IoT. This article defines the attributes for determining the application and version of nodes in the IoT. By improving the structure of the Internet web crawler, which obtains raw data from nodes, we can obtain data from nodes in the IoT. We improve on the existing strategy, in which only determinations are stored, by also storing downloaded raw data locally in MongoDB. This stored raw data can be conveniently used to determine application type and node version when a new determination method emerges or when there is a new application type or node version. In such instances, the crawler does not have to scan the Internet again. We show through experimentation that our crawler can crawl the IoT and obtain data necessary for determining the application type and node version.

Key words: crawler, local storage, nodes, Internet of Things

摘要: Determining the application and version of nodes in the Internet of Things (IoT) is very important for warning about and managing vulnerabilities in the IoT. This article defines the attributes for determining the application and version of nodes in the IoT. By improving the structure of the Internet web crawler, which obtains raw data from nodes, we can obtain data from nodes in the IoT. We improve on the existing strategy, in which only determinations are stored, by also storing downloaded raw data locally in MongoDB. This stored raw data can be conveniently used to determine application type and node version when a new determination method emerges or when there is a new application type or node version. In such instances, the crawler does not have to scan the Internet again. We show through experimentation that our crawler can crawl the IoT and obtain data necessary for determining the application type and node version.

关键词: crawler, local storage, nodes, Internet of Things