ZTE Communications ›› 2017, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4): 12-22.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2017.04.002
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CAO Jie, XU Lanyu, Raef Abdallah, SHI Weisong
About author:
CAO Jie (jiecao@wayne.edu) received his B.S. in telecommunication engineering from Xidian University, China and M.S. in computer science from Wayne State University, USA. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in computer science at Wayne State University and internship at Interdigital Inc. His research interests include edge computing, computer systems, and wireless health. He has published 5 research papers and his publication of MyPalmVein received the Best Student Paper Award from HealthCom, 2015.|XU Lanyu (xu.lanyu@wayne.edu) received her B.S. in electronic and information engineering from Tongji University, China. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Wayne State University, USA. Her research interests include edge computing, computer systems, and cognitive service.|Raef Abdallah (raef.abdallah@gmail.com) received his B.S. in computer science from Lebanese American University, Lebanon. He holds M.S. degrees in computer science and industrial engineering from Oklahoma State University, USA. His research interests include IoT, smart homes, simulation, and design of algorithms. He has developed solutions for major companies in the United States in the areas of education, manufacturing, and defense. He is currently working in the connected vehicle technology.|SHI Weisong (weisong@wayne.edu) is a Charles H. Gershenson Distinguished Faculty Fellow and a professor of Computer Science at Wayne State University, USA. His research interests include edge computing, computer systems, energy-efficiency, and wireless health. He received his B.S. from Xidian University, China in 1995, and Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2000, both in computer engineering. He is a recipient of National Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award of China and the NSF CAREER award. He is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Distinguished Scientist.
CAO Jie, XU Lanyu, Raef Abdallah, SHI Weisong. An OS for Internet of Everything: Early Experience from A Smart Home Prototype[J]. ZTE Communications, 2017, 15(4): 12-22.
Language | Lines of code | Frontend | API | Data storage | Automation | Platform | Device abstraction | Data abstraction | Documentation | |
Home Assistant | Python3 | 213,901 | HTML, iOS | Y | SQLite | Rules, Scripts | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | Y | N | Good |
openHAB | Java | 904,316 | HTML, Android, iOS, Win | Y | Persistence services | Rules, Scripts | Any device with JVM | Y | N | Good |
Domoticz | C++ | 645,682 | HTML | Y | SQLite | Scripts | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | N | N | Poor |
Freedomotic | Java | 159,976 | HTML | Y | Data persistence | Rules, Scripts | Any device with JVM | N | N | Good |
HomeGenie | C# | 282,724 | HTML, Android | Y | SQLite | Scripts | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | N | N | Average |
MisterHouse | Perl | 690,887 | NA | N | NA | Perl code | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | N | N | Poor |
Table 1 Comparison of smart home systems
Language | Lines of code | Frontend | API | Data storage | Automation | Platform | Device abstraction | Data abstraction | Documentation | |
Home Assistant | Python3 | 213,901 | HTML, iOS | Y | SQLite | Rules, Scripts | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | Y | N | Good |
openHAB | Java | 904,316 | HTML, Android, iOS, Win | Y | Persistence services | Rules, Scripts | Any device with JVM | Y | N | Good |
Domoticz | C++ | 645,682 | HTML | Y | SQLite | Scripts | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | N | N | Poor |
Freedomotic | Java | 159,976 | HTML | Y | Data persistence | Rules, Scripts | Any device with JVM | N | N | Good |
HomeGenie | C# | 282,724 | HTML, Android | Y | SQLite | Scripts | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | N | N | Average |
MisterHouse | Perl | 690,887 | NA | N | NA | Perl code | Linux, Win, Mac OS X | N | N | Poor |
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