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25 September 2014, Volume 12 Issue 3
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The whole issue of ZTE Communications September 2014, Vol. 12 No. 3
2014, 12(3): 0.
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Special Topic
Sensing, Signal Processing, and Communication for WBANs
Seyyed Hamed Fouladi, Raúl Chávez-Santiago, Pål Ander Floor, Ilangko Balasingham, and Tor A. Ramstad
2014, 12(3): 3-12. doi:
(451KB) (
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A wireless body area network (WBAN) enables real-time monitoring of physiological signals and helps with the early detection of life-threatening diseases. WBAN nodes can be located on, inside, or in close proximity to the body in order to detect vital signals. Measurements from sensors are processed and transmitted over wireless channels. Issues in sensing, signal processing, and communication have to be addressed before WBAN can be implemented. In this paper, we survey recent advances in research on signal processing for the sensor measurements, and we describe aspects of communication based on IEEE 802.15.6. We also discuss state-of-the-art WBAN channel modeling in all the frequencies specified by IEEE 802.15.6 as well as the need for new channel models for new different frequencies.
MAC Layer Resource Allocation forWireless Body Area Networks
Qinghua Shen, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Tom H. Luan, and Jing Liu
2014, 12(3): 13-21. doi:
(572KB) (
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Wireless body area networks (WBANs) can provide low-cost, timely healthcare services and are expected to be widely used for ehealthcare in hospitals. In a hospital, space is often limited and multiple WBANs have to coexist in an area and share the same channel in order to provide healthcare services to different patients. This causes severe interference between WBANs that could significantly reduce the network throughput and increase the amount of power consumed by sensors placed on the body. Therefore, an efficient channel-resource allocation scheme in the medium access control (MAC) layer is crucial. In this paper, we develop a centralized MAC layer resource allocation scheme for a WBAN. We focus on mitigating the interference between WBANs and reducing the power consumed by sensors. Channel and buffer state are reported by smartphones deployed in each WBAN, and channel access allocation is performed by a central controller to maximize network throughput. Sensors have strict limitations in terms of energy consumption and computing capability and cannot provide all the necessary information for channel allocation in a timely manner. This deteriorates network performance. We exploit the temporal correlation of the body area channel in order to minimize the number of channel state reports necessary. We view the network design as a partly observable optimization problem and develop a myopic policy, which we then simulate in Matlab.
Selective Cluster-Based Temperature Monitoring System for HomogeneousWireless Sensor Networks
Sudhanshu Tyagi, Sudeep Tanwar, Sumit Kumar Gupta, Neeraj Kumar, and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
2014, 12(3): 22-29. doi:
(693KB) (
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Over the past few decades, there has been a revolution in ICT, and this has led to the evolution of wireless sensor networks (WSN), in particular, wireless body area networks. Such networks comprise a specialized collection of sensor nodes (SNs) that may be deployed randomly in a body area network to collect data from the human body. In a health monitoring system, it may be essential to maintain constant environmental conditions within a specific area in the hospital. In this paper, we propose a temperature-monitoring system and describe a case study of a health-monitoring system for patents critically ill with the same disease and in the same environment. We propose Enhanced LEACH Selective Cluster (E-LEACH-SC) routing protocol for monitoring the temperature of an area in a hospital. We modified existing Selective Cluster LEACH protocol by using a fixed-distance-based threshold to divide the coverage region in two subregions. Direct data transmission and selective cluster-based data transmission approaches were used to provide short-range and long-distance coverage for the collection of data from the body of ill patients. Extensive simulations were run by varying the ratio of node densities of the two subregions in the health-monitoring system. Last Node Alive (LNA), which is a measure of network lifespan, was the parameter for evaluating the performance of the proposed scheme. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly increases network lifespan compared with traditional LEACH and LEACH-SC protocols, which by themselves improve the overall performance of the health-monitoring system.
Prototype for Integrating Internet of Things and Emergency Service in an IP Multimedia Subsystem forWireless Body Area Networks
Kai-Di Chang, Jiann-Liang Chen, and Han-Chieh Chao
2014, 12(3): 30-37. doi:
(475KB) (
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In recent years, the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an emerging business. The most important concept of next-generation network for providing a common global IT platform is combining seamless networks and networked things, objects or sensors. Also, wireless body area networks (WBANs) are becoming mature with the widespread usage of the IoT. In order to support WBAN, the platform, scenario and emergency service are necessary due to the sensors in WBAN being related to wearer's life. The sensors on the body detect a lot of information about bioinformatics and medical signals, such as heartbeat and blood. Thus, the integration of IoT and network communication in daily life is important. However, there is not only a lack of common fabric for integrating IoT with current Internet and but also no emergency call process in the current network communication environment. To overcome such situations, the prototype of integrating IoT and emergency call process is discussed. A simulated bootstrap platform to provide the discussion of open challenges and solutions for deploying IoT in Internet and the emergency communication system are analyzed by using a service of 3GPP IP multimedia subsystem. Finally, the prototype for supporting WBAN with emergence service is also addressed and the performance results are useful to service providers and network operators that they can estimate their migration to IoT by referring to this experience and experiment results. Furthermore, the queuing model used to achieve the performance of emergency service in IMS and the delay time of the proposed model is analyzed.
Smart Body Sensor Object Networking
Bhumip Khasnabish
2014, 12(3): 38-45. doi:
(529KB) (
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This paper discusses smart body sensor objects (BSOs), including their networking and internetworking. Smartness can be incorporated into BSOs by embedding virtualization, predictive analytics, and proactive computing and communications capabilities. A few use cases including the relevant privacy and protocol requirements are also presented. General usage and deployment etiquette along with the relevant regulatory implications are then discussed.
E-Healthcare Supported by Big Data
Jianqi Liu, Jiafu Wan, Shenghua He, and Yanlin Zhang
2014, 12(3): 46-52. doi:
(407KB) (
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The era of open information in healthcare has arrived. E-healthcare supported by big data supports the move toward greater transparency in healthcare by making decades of stored health data searchable and usable. This paper gives an overview the e-healthcare architecture. We discuss the four layers of the architecture—data collection, data transport, data storage, and data analysis— as well as the challenges of data security, data privacy, real-time delivery, and open standard interface. We discuss the necessity of establishing an impeccably secure access mechanism and of enacting strong laws to protect patient privacy.
Research Paper
Reliability of NFV Using COTS Hardware
Li Mo
2014, 12(3): 53-61. doi:
(471KB) (
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This paper describes a study on the feasibility of using commercial off -the -shelf (COTS) hardware for telecom equipment. The study outlines the conditions under which COTS hardware can be utilized in a network function virtualization environment. The concept of silent -error probability is introduced to account for software errors and/or undetectable hardware failures, and is included in both the theoretical work and simulations. Silent failures are critical to overall system availability. Site -related issues are created by combined site maintenance and site failure. Site maintenance does not noticeably limit system availability unless there are also site failures. Because the theory becomes extremely involved when site failure is introduced, simulation is used to determine the impact of those facts that constitutes the undesirable features of using COTS hardware.
Event Normalization Through Dynamic Log Format Detection
Amir Azodi, David Jaeger, Feng Cheng, and Christoph Meinel
2014, 12(3): 62-66. doi:
(342KB) (
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The analytical and monitoring capabilities of central event repositories, such as log servers and intrusion detection systems, are limited by the amount of structured information extracted from the events they receive. Diverse networks and applications log their events in many different formats, and this makes it difficult to identify the type of logs being received by the central repository. The way events are logged by IT systems is problematic for developers of host-based intrusiondetection systems (specifically, host-based systems), developers of security-information systems, and developers of eventmanagement systems. These problems preclude the development of more accurate, intrusive security solutions that obtain results from data included in the logs being processed. We propose a new method for dynamically normalizing events into a unified super-event that is loosely based on the Common Event Expression standard developed by Mitre Corporation. We explain how our solution can normalize seemingly unrelated events into a single, unified format.
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