ZTE Communications ›› 2013, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 2-7.DOI: DOI:10.3939/j.issn.1673-5188.2013.04.001

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Software-Defined Data Center

Ghazanfar Ali1, Jie Hu1, and Bhumip Khasnabish2   

  1. 1. ZTE Corporation, Nanjing 210012, China;
    2. ZTE USA, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
  • Received:2013-09-27 Online:2013-12-25 Published:2013-12-25
  • About author:Ghazanfar Ali (ghazanfarali@zte.com.cn) received his MS degree in computer science from Quad-e-Azam University, Islamabad. He works as an advanced standards research engineer in the Strategy Planing Department of ZTE Corporation. He represents ZTE Corporation as the vice-chair of the DMTF Cloud Management Subcommittee (CMSC). His has contributed about 400 technical proposals for different technical standards developed in ITU SG13, OMA, and DMTF. His research interests include software-defined compute and virtual appliance.

    Jie Hu (hu.jie@zte.com.cn) received his MS degree in computer science from Southeast University, Nanjing. He is the standards director for cloud computing platforms, ZTE Corpration. He has worked as an editor for several standards organizations, including CCSA, OMA, ITU-T on CDN, Mobile Search, and Cloud Computing RA.

    Bhumip Khasnabish (b.khasnabish@ieee.org), Phd, AMCPM, is a senior member of the IEEE and an emeritus distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society. He has initiated cloud and data center activities in the IETF and is vice-chair of DMTF NSM WG (previously co- chaired ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF)). He is currently a senior director in the Strategy Planning Department of ZTE TX Inc., USA. His research interests include next-generation networking, platform and services that use virtualized computing and communication entities, tighter cross-layer communications, and automation of system configuration and services. He has worked in the Verizon/GTE next- generation laboratories, Waltham, MA, and in Bell-Northern Research (BNR) Ltd. in Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Khasnabish has published numerous articles, books, and book chapters and has been awarded several patents in his research areas.

Software-Defined Data Center

Ghazanfar Ali1, Jie Hu1, and Bhumip Khasnabish2   

  1. 1. ZTE Corporation, Nanjing 210012, China;
    2. ZTE USA, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
  • 作者简介:Ghazanfar Ali (ghazanfarali@zte.com.cn) received his MS degree in computer science from Quad-e-Azam University, Islamabad. He works as an advanced standards research engineer in the Strategy Planing Department of ZTE Corporation. He represents ZTE Corporation as the vice-chair of the DMTF Cloud Management Subcommittee (CMSC). His has contributed about 400 technical proposals for different technical standards developed in ITU SG13, OMA, and DMTF. His research interests include software-defined compute and virtual appliance.

    Jie Hu (hu.jie@zte.com.cn) received his MS degree in computer science from Southeast University, Nanjing. He is the standards director for cloud computing platforms, ZTE Corpration. He has worked as an editor for several standards organizations, including CCSA, OMA, ITU-T on CDN, Mobile Search, and Cloud Computing RA.

    Bhumip Khasnabish (b.khasnabish@ieee.org), Phd, AMCPM, is a senior member of the IEEE and an emeritus distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society. He has initiated cloud and data center activities in the IETF and is vice-chair of DMTF NSM WG (previously co- chaired ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF)). He is currently a senior director in the Strategy Planning Department of ZTE TX Inc., USA. His research interests include next-generation networking, platform and services that use virtualized computing and communication entities, tighter cross-layer communications, and automation of system configuration and services. He has worked in the Verizon/GTE next- generation laboratories, Waltham, MA, and in Bell-Northern Research (BNR) Ltd. in Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Khasnabish has published numerous articles, books, and book chapters and has been awarded several patents in his research areas.

Abstract: Defining a software-defined data center is a vision of the future. An SDDC brings together software-defined compute, software-defined network, software-defined storage, software-defined hypervisor, software-defined availability, and software-defined security. It also unifies the control planes of each individual software-defined component. A unified control plane enables rich resource abstractions for purpose-fit orchestration systems and/or programmable infrastructures. This enables dynamic optimization according to business requirements.

Key words: cloud computing, virtualization, security, software-defined, data center

摘要: Defining a software-defined data center is a vision of the future. An SDDC brings together software-defined compute, software-defined network, software-defined storage, software-defined hypervisor, software-defined availability, and software-defined security. It also unifies the control planes of each individual software-defined component. A unified control plane enables rich resource abstractions for purpose-fit orchestration systems and/or programmable infrastructures. This enables dynamic optimization according to business requirements.

关键词: cloud computing, virtualization, security, software-defined, data center