Soft Base Station Technology in Wireless Communication Systems
Wang Xiyu, Guo Dandan, Cui Zhuo
Product R&D System of ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518004, P. R. China
About author:Wang Xiyu received his master’s degree from the Northern Jiaotong University and is currently the deputy director of the Wireless Research Institute of ZTE Corporation. He is engaged in researching and developing wireless base station BBU. Having participated in the research and development of three generations of base stations, he has much experience in designing wireless communications system software and hardware.
Guo Dandan received his master’s degree from the Beijing Institute of Technology. He is a system architect at ZTE Corporation and designs the architecture of soft base station BBU hardware for wireless communications. He has much experience in hardware development, testing, and architecture design.
Cui Zhuo received his master’s degree from Jilin University. He is a system architect at ZTE Corporation and designs the software architecture for soft base stations in wireless communications. He has much experience in software development, software architecture design, and software project management.