About author:Junneng Nie (njn@sjtu.edu.cn) received his BS degree in software engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is currently a MsC candidate at the School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests include massive data processing and software testing.
Haopeng chen (chen-hp@sjtu.edu.cn) is an associate professor of School of Software, Shanghai JiaoTong university. He received his PhD degree from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechinal University in 2001. He has worked with School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2004 after he finished his two-year postdoctoral research job in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2010, he studied and researched at Georgia Institute of Technology as a visiting scholar. His research group focuses on distributed computing and software engineering, and has kept studying Web Services, Web 2.0, Java EE, .NET, and SOA for several years. Recently, the group is also interested in cloud computing, including cloud federation, resource management, and dynamic scaling up and down.
Junneng Nie and Haopeng Chen. An MAS Framework for Speculative Trading Research in Stock Index Futures Market[J]. ZTE Communications, 2014, 12(4): 54-60.