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    Call for Papers :Digital Twin Online Channel Modeling for 6G and Beyond
  • ZTE Communications Special Issue on

    Digital Twin Online Channel Modeling for 6G and Beyond


    Channel theory is a fundamental theory of wireless communications. 6G wireless communication is oriented to realize three-dimensional (3D) wide-area space-air-ground-sea global coverage. Base stations and users tend to move in 3D continuous spaces, while antennas and propagation environments are deeply coupled. This paradigm shift brings challenges to channel modeling, antenna design, channel map construction and wireless transmission system optimization, as well as novel air interface technologies and innovative algorithms. Digital twin (DT), a virtual replica of physical systems, enables real-time monitoring, analysis, and optimization for enhanced decision-making and operational efficiency. Assisted by DT, it is possible to establish virtual mappings of diverse physical systems including communication systems. This possibility promotes the development of novel paradigms for channel modeling, contributing to a more profound understanding of signal transmission processes in wireless channels. Consequently, this approach furnishes more precise references and guidance for emerging antenna optimization methods, novel air interface technologies, and innovative algorithms. In a bid to ignite further innovation and explore promising research avenues in this rapidly advancing field, this workshop endeavors to engage global experts and professionals, seeking recent advances in digital twin-assisted channel modeling and fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing.

    This special issue seeks high quality original articles on digital twin online channel modeling for 6G and beyond. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


    ·     DT-assisted intelligent network deployment for 6G

    ·     DT-assisted edge intelligence for 6G

    ·     DT-assisted intelligent resource management for 6G

    ·     DT-assisted intelligent network slicing for 6G

    ·     Network traffic prediction with DT

    ·     DT network synchronization

    ·     DT-assisted AI and distributed learning

    ·     Cooperative AI model training/inference

    ·     DT enabling technologies for 6G

    ·     DT-enabled industrial IoT

    ·     DT-enabled intelligent transportation systems


    Guest Editors

    • WANG Cheng-Xiang, Southeast University & Purple Mountain Laboratories (China)
    • HUANG Chen, Purple Mountain Laboratories & Southeast University (China)


    Important Dates

    • First Submission Due……………………….… 20 January, 2025
    • Review and Final Manuscript Due……..  1 March, 2025
    • Publication Date………………….………………25 June, 2025


    Manuscript Preparation

    Manuscripts must be typed in English and submitted electronically in MS Word (or compatible) format. The word length is approximately 4000 to 8000, and no more than 10 figures and tables should be included. Authors are requested to submit mathematical material and graphics in an editable format.


    Online Submission

    Please submit your paper through the online submission system of the journal (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/ztecom). Creating an account is necessary for submission.
  • Pubdate: 2024-12-23    Viewed: 365