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Tensor Decomposition-Based Channel Estimation and Sensing for Millimeter Wave MIMO-OFDM V2I Systems
WANG Jilin, ZENG Xianlong, YANG Yonghui, PENG Lin, LI Lingxiang
ZTE Communications    2024, 22 (3): 56-68.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202403008
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An integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) scheme for a millimeter wave (mmWave) multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) system is presented, in which both the access point (AP) and the vehicle are equipped with large antenna arrays and employ hybrid analog and digital beamforming structures to compensate the path loss, meanwhile compromise between hardware complexity and system performance. Based on the sparse scattering nature of the mmWave channel, the received signal at the AP is organized to a four-order tensor by the introduced novel frame structure. A CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition-based method is proposed for time-varying channel parameter extraction, including angles of departure/arrival (AoDs/AoAs), Doppler shift, time delay and path gain. Then leveraging the estimates of channel parameters, a nonlinear weighted least-square problem is proposed to recover the location accurately, heading and velocity of vehicles. Simulation results show that the proposed methods are effective and efficient in time-varying channel estimation and vehicle sensing in mmWave MIMO-OFDM V2I systems.

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A 220 GHz Frequency-Division Multiplexing Wireless Link with High Data Rate
ZHANG Bo, WANG Yihui, FENG Yinian, YANG Yonghui, PENG Lin
ZTE Communications    2023, 21 (3): 63-69.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202303009
Abstract75)   HTML3)    PDF (2704KB)(170)       Save

With the development of wireless communication, the 6G mobile communication technology has received wide attention. As one of the key technologies of 6G, terahertz (THz) communication technology has the characteristics of ultra-high bandwidth, high security and low environmental noise. In this paper, a THz duplexer with a half-wavelength coupling structure and a sub-harmonic mixer operating at 216 GHz and 204 GHz are designed and measured. Based on these key devices, a 220 GHz frequency-division multiplexing communication system is proposed, with a real-time data rate of 10.4 Gbit/s for one channel and a transmission distance of 15 m. The measured constellation diagram of two receivers is clearly visible, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is higher than 22 dB, and the bit error ratio (BER) is less than 10-8. Furthermore, the high definition (HD) 4K video can also be transmitted in real time without stutter.

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