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Multi-View Structured Light 3D Measurement System
LU Ping, ZHANG Yingjie, DENG Fangwei, LIU Wei, HUANG Shijun
ZTE Communications    2024, 22 (4): 53-58.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202404008
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Vision-based measurement technology benefits high-quality manufacturers through improved dimensional precision, enhanced geometric tolerance, and increased product yield. The monocular 3D structured light visual sensing method is popular for detecting online parts since it can reach micron-meter depth accuracy. However, the line-of-sight requirement of a single viewpoint vision system often fails when hiding occurs due to the object’s surface structure, such as edges, slopes, and holes. To address this issue, a multi-view 3D structured light vision system is proposed in this paper to achieve high accuracy, i.e., Z-direction repeatability, and reduce hiding probability during mechanical dimension measurement. The main contribution of this paper includes the use of industrial cameras with high resolution and high frame rates to achieve high-precision 3D reconstruction. Moreover, a multi-wavelength (heterodyne) phase expansion method is employed for high-precision phase calculation. By leveraging multiple industrial cameras, the system overcomes field of view occlusions, thereby broadening the 3D reconstruction field of view. Finally, the system achieves a Z-axis repetition accuracy of 0.48 μm.

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Artificial Intelligence Rehabilitation Evaluation and Training System for Degeneration of Joint Disease
LIU Weichen, SHEN Mengqi, ZHANG Anda, CHENG Yiting, ZHANG Wenqiang
ZTE Communications    2021, 19 (3): 46-55.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202103006
Abstract72)   HTML4)    PDF (1223KB)(72)       Save

Degeneration of joint disease is one of the problems that threaten global public health. Currently, the therapies of the disease are mainly conservative but not very effective. To solve the problem, we need to find effective, convenient and inexpensive therapies. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, we innovatively propose to combine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with artificial intelligence to design a rehabilitation assessment system based on TCM Daoyin. Our system consists of four subsystems: the spine movement assessment system, the posture recognition and correction system, the background music recommendation system, and the physiological signal monitoring system. We incorporate several technologies such as keypoint detection, posture estimation, heart rate detection, and deriving respiration from electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Finally, we integrate the four subsystems into a portable wireless device so that the rehabilitation equipment is well suited for home and community environment. The system can effectively alleviate the problem of an inadequate number of physicians and nurses. At the same time, it can promote our TCM culture as well.

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Full-Service Operation and IMS Network Management
Chen Jian, Wang Dezheng, Liu Wei
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (2): 48-50.  
Abstract106)      PDF (450KB)(139)       Save
IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) is considered as a comprehensive approach for full-service operation. However, traditional network management concepts are not applicable to IMS network management. This is because IMS is characterized by a flat, all-IP architecture, simplified functionality of Network Elements (NE), and a variety of NEs. This paper introduces an IMS network management system design that covers full-service operation. It then discusses the significant role IMS network management plays in the unification of NE management layers, the increasing importance of end-to-end applications, and the convergence of Enhanced Telecom Operation Map (eTOM) and IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
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