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Introduction to Point Cloud Compression
XU Yiling, ZHANG Ke, HE Lanyi, JIANG Zhiqian, ZHU Wenjie
ZTE Communications    2018, 16 (3): 3-8.   DOI: 10.19729/j.cnki.1673-5188.2018.03.002
Abstract276)   HTML200)    PDF (368KB)(379)       Save

Characterized by geometry and photometry attributes, point cloud has been widely applied in the immersive services of various 3D objects and scenes. The development of even more precise capture devices and the increasing requirements for vivid rendering inevitably induce huge point capacity, thus making the point cloud compression a demanding issue. In this paper, we introduce several well-known compression algorithms in the research area as well as the boosting industry standardization works. Specifically, based on various applications of this 3D data, we summarize the static and dynamic point cloud compression, both including irregular geometry and photometry information that represent the spatial structure information and corresponding attributes, respectively. In the end, we conclude the point cloud compression as a promising topic and discuss trends for future works.

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Key Technologies of Wireless Mesh Network
Wu Fan , Mao Yuming , Zhang Ke
ZTE Communications    2008, 6 (2): 25-29.  
Abstract95)      PDF (1833KB)(117)       Save
The Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is a special kind of Ad hoc network with a hierarchical network structure . Its backbone transmission network has such characteristics as multi- hop , topology stability, no electricity supply constraints , convergence of flows . Improving the spatial reuse of spectrum is an effective approach to increas e network capacity. The linchpin of this approach is to effectively control the interference range between wireless links . The multi- channel networking technology is one of the key technologies of WMN, and its core is the channel allocation through which the channel utilization can be maximized . The mutual interference between multi- hop wireless links should be considered when choosing the routing metrics in WMN. Through the load - balancing routing method , the network capacity and throughput of nodes can be improved .
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