ZTE Communications ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (S1): 14-19.DOI: DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2016.S1.003

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State of the Art in Passive Bandpass Filter Solutions for 60 GHz Communications

XU Shanshan1, MENG Fanyi2, MA Kaixue3, and YEO Kiat Seng1   

  1. 1. Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore 487372, Singapore;
    2. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singaproe; 3. University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu 610051, China
  • Received:2016-06-15 Online:2016-12-01 Published:2019-11-29
  • About author:XU Shanshan (shans.xu@gmail.com) received the BEng degree in information science and engineering from Southeast University (SEU), China in 2010, and is currently working towards the PhD degree at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Her research interests include microwave filter designs, substrate-integrated waveguide, defected ground structures, and millimeter-wave integrated circuits in CMOS technology.
    MENG Fanyi (meng.fanyi@gmail.com) received the BEng (Hons) and PhD degrees from NTU in 2011 and 2016. His research interests include microwave, millimeterwave and terahertz integrated circuits and phased-arrays in CMOS technology. Dr. Meng was the recipient of the 2013 Infineon - NTU Design Competition Bronze Award and 2015 Student Travel Grant from IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.
    MA Kaixue (makaixue@uestc.edu.cn) received his BE and ME from Northwestern Polytechnolgical University, China, and PhD degree from NTU. From Aug. 1997 to Dec. 2002, he was with China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an), where he became the leader of the millimeter-wave group for space-borne microwave & mmwave components and subsystem for satellite payload and VSAT ground station. From Sept. 2005 to Sept. 2007, he was with MEDs Technologies as a R&D manager. From Sept. 2007 to Mar. 2010, he was with ST Electronics (Satcom & Sensor Systems) as a R&D manager, project leader and member of Technique Management Committee of ST Electronics. He joined NTU as a senior research fellow and millimeter-wave RFIC team leader for the 60 GHz Flagship Chipset project in March 2010. As a PI/Technique leader, He did projects with fund more than S$12 Million (excluding projects done in China). In Feb. 2014, he joined the University of Electric Science and Technology of China as a full professor. His research interests include satellite communication, software defined radio, Microwave/MM-wave circuits and system using CMOS, MEMS, MMIC and LTCC. He has eight patents, two patents in pending and authored/co-authored over 80 referable international journal and conference papers in the related area. He received Best Paper Award from IEEE SOCC2011, IEEK SOC Design Group Award, Excellent Paper Award from International Conference on HSCD2010, Chip Design Competition Bronze Award of ISIC2011. He is a senior member of IEEE.
    YEO Kiat Seng (kiatseng_yeo@sutd.edu.sg) received the BEng (EE) in 1993, and PhD (EE) in 1996 both from NTU. He is now Associate Provost (International Relations and Graduate Studies) at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and a member of Board of Advisors of the Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association. Dr. YEO is Fellow of IEEE and a widely known authority in lowpower RF/mm-wave IC design and a recognized expert in CMOS technology. He has secured over S$30M of research funding from various funding agencies and the industry in the last 3 years. Before his new appointment at SUTD, he was Associate Chair (Research), Head of Division of Circuits and Systems and Founding Director of VIRTUS of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU. He has published six books, five book chapters, over 400 international top-tier refereed journal and conference papers and holds 35 patents. Dr. Yeo served in the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques and hold/held key positions in many international conferences as Advisor, General Chair, Co-General Chair and Technical Chair. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) on National Day 2009 by the President of the Republic of Singapore and was also awarded the distinguished Nanyang Alum Award in 2009 for his outstanding contributions to the university and society.

State of the Art in Passive Bandpass Filter Solutions for 60 GHz Communications

XU Shanshan1, MENG Fanyi2, MA Kaixue3, and YEO Kiat Seng1   

  1. 1. Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore 487372, Singapore;
    2. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singaproe; 3. University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu 610051, China
  • 作者简介:XU Shanshan (shans.xu@gmail.com) received the BEng degree in information science and engineering from Southeast University (SEU), China in 2010, and is currently working towards the PhD degree at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Her research interests include microwave filter designs, substrate-integrated waveguide, defected ground structures, and millimeter-wave integrated circuits in CMOS technology.
    MENG Fanyi (meng.fanyi@gmail.com) received the BEng (Hons) and PhD degrees from NTU in 2011 and 2016. His research interests include microwave, millimeterwave and terahertz integrated circuits and phased-arrays in CMOS technology. Dr. Meng was the recipient of the 2013 Infineon - NTU Design Competition Bronze Award and 2015 Student Travel Grant from IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.
    MA Kaixue (makaixue@uestc.edu.cn) received his BE and ME from Northwestern Polytechnolgical University, China, and PhD degree from NTU. From Aug. 1997 to Dec. 2002, he was with China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an), where he became the leader of the millimeter-wave group for space-borne microwave & mmwave components and subsystem for satellite payload and VSAT ground station. From Sept. 2005 to Sept. 2007, he was with MEDs Technologies as a R&D manager. From Sept. 2007 to Mar. 2010, he was with ST Electronics (Satcom & Sensor Systems) as a R&D manager, project leader and member of Technique Management Committee of ST Electronics. He joined NTU as a senior research fellow and millimeter-wave RFIC team leader for the 60 GHz Flagship Chipset project in March 2010. As a PI/Technique leader, He did projects with fund more than S$12 Million (excluding projects done in China). In Feb. 2014, he joined the University of Electric Science and Technology of China as a full professor. His research interests include satellite communication, software defined radio, Microwave/MM-wave circuits and system using CMOS, MEMS, MMIC and LTCC. He has eight patents, two patents in pending and authored/co-authored over 80 referable international journal and conference papers in the related area. He received Best Paper Award from IEEE SOCC2011, IEEK SOC Design Group Award, Excellent Paper Award from International Conference on HSCD2010, Chip Design Competition Bronze Award of ISIC2011. He is a senior member of IEEE.
    YEO Kiat Seng (kiatseng_yeo@sutd.edu.sg) received the BEng (EE) in 1993, and PhD (EE) in 1996 both from NTU. He is now Associate Provost (International Relations and Graduate Studies) at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and a member of Board of Advisors of the Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association. Dr. YEO is Fellow of IEEE and a widely known authority in lowpower RF/mm-wave IC design and a recognized expert in CMOS technology. He has secured over S$30M of research funding from various funding agencies and the industry in the last 3 years. Before his new appointment at SUTD, he was Associate Chair (Research), Head of Division of Circuits and Systems and Founding Director of VIRTUS of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU. He has published six books, five book chapters, over 400 international top-tier refereed journal and conference papers and holds 35 patents. Dr. Yeo served in the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques and hold/held key positions in many international conferences as Advisor, General Chair, Co-General Chair and Technical Chair. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) on National Day 2009 by the President of the Republic of Singapore and was also awarded the distinguished Nanyang Alum Award in 2009 for his outstanding contributions to the university and society.

Abstract: This paper reviews the state-of-the-art filter designs for 60 GHz applications. The most promising filter solutions at this frequency include filter-in-package where the filter itself is design in the packaging platform and filter-on-chip which is an on-chip filter codesign for miniaturized system size with low packaging cost. Design methodology, design technology, key performance parameters, similarities and differences, advantages and drawbacks, and future trends are explored and studied. Filters in the printed circuit board (PCB), low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), organic material, and bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) chips are summarized and compared in details. Future design trends and challenges are also given after the review.

Key words: 60 GHz, bandpass filters, passive, review

摘要: This paper reviews the state-of-the-art filter designs for 60 GHz applications. The most promising filter solutions at this frequency include filter-in-package where the filter itself is design in the packaging platform and filter-on-chip which is an on-chip filter codesign for miniaturized system size with low packaging cost. Design methodology, design technology, key performance parameters, similarities and differences, advantages and drawbacks, and future trends are explored and studied. Filters in the printed circuit board (PCB), low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), organic material, and bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) chips are summarized and compared in details. Future design trends and challenges are also given after the review.

关键词: 60 GHz, bandpass filters, passive, review