ZTE Communications ›› 2018, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 42-54.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2018.02.008
• Research Paper • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Dan1, LIN Du1, JIANG Changlin1, Wang Lingqiang2
About author:
LI Dan (tolidan@tsinghua.edu.cn) received the M.E. degree and Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, China in 2005 and 2007 respectively, both in computer science. Before that, he spent four undergraduate years in Beijing Normal University, China and got a B.S. degree in 2003, also in computer science. He joined Microsoft Research Asia in Jan. 2008, where he worked as an associate researcher in Wireless and Networking Group until Feb. 2010. He joined the faculty of Tsinghua University in Mar. 2010, where he is now an associate professor at Computer Science Department. His research interests include Internet architecture and protocol design, data center network, and software defined networking.|LIN Du (lindu1992@foxmail.com) received the B.S. degree from Tsinghua University, China in 2015. Now, he is a master candidate at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. His research interests include Internet architecture, data center network, and high-performance network system.|JIANG Changlin (jiangchanglin@csnet1.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Institute of Communication Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology, China in 2001 and 2004 respectively. Now, he is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China. His research interests include Internet architecture, data center network, and network routing.|WANG Lingqiang (wang.lingqiang@zte.com.cn) received the B.S. degree from Department of Industrial Automation, Zhengzhou University, China in 1999. He is a system architect of ZTE Corporation. He focuses on technical planning and pre-research work in IP direction. His research interests include smart pipes, next generation broadband technology, and programmable networks.
Supported by:
LI Dan, LIN Du, JIANG Changlin, Wang Lingqiang. SOPA: Source Routing Based Packet-Level Multi-Path Routing in Data Center Networks[J]. ZTE Communications, 2018, 16(2): 42-54.
Figure 2. An example to illustrate that random packet splitting may cause packet reordering and FR. (Each box denotes a packet, and the number represents the sequence number of the packet. Although random packet splitting allocates 4 packets to each path during the whole period, the instant loads of the paths are different, leading to difference in the queuing delays of the paths. The arrival order of the first 7 packets can be: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, and 3, which will result in a FR and degrade the throughput of the flow.)
Figure 3. Arrival sequence of the first 100 packets with the oversubscription ratio of 4:1. (The random packet splitting causes many reordered packets.)
Figure 4. Effect of increasing FR threshold. (As the threshold increases, the throughput improves as well. However, when the FR threshold is larger than 10, the improvement of performance is quite marginal.)
Figure 5. Packets allocation in random packet splitting. (This figure shows how the first 2000 packets are allocated to 4 equal-cost paths. Each group of square columns represents the allocation of 500 packets. Even though almost the same traffic is allocated to each path during the whole transmission period, the instant allocations to the paths are different. The maximum deviation from the average allocation is 13.6%.)
Figure 6. Performance comparison between random packet splitting and SOPA. (The number in the parentheses denotes the FR threshold. Both random packet splitting and SOPA improve the performance as the threshold increases, and SOPA outperforms random packet splitting in all settings.)
Figure 7. An example to showcase the negative effect brought by failure upon packet-level multi-path routing. (There are two flows, flow 0→4 and flow 8→5. If the link between E1 to A1 fails, the flow (0→4) can only take the two remaining paths, while the other flow (8→5) can still use the four candidate paths, which may cause load imbalance across multiple paths of flow 8→5, degrading its performance.)
Figure 8. End to end delay of the packets from flow 8→5. (The failure causes flow 0→4 only can take two remaining paths, which are overlapped with two candidate paths of flow 8→5. The figure shows the packets on the overlapped paths experience much longer delay than the packets allocated to the non-overlapped paths.)
Figure 9. Throughput of 4 flows. (SOPA allocates traffic evenly, and each flow grabs fair share of bandwidth, and the throughput of each flow is about 475 Mbit/s. However, RPS fails to achieve balanced traffic allocation, the average throughput of these four flows is only 378.30 Mbit/s.)
Figure 11. CDF of the flows’ throughputs for the five multi-path routing schemes under permutation workload. (Both SOPA and DRB outperform the other three routing schemes, and SOPA also achieves more balanced traffic splitting than DRB.)
Figure 12. The performance comparison between SOPA and RPS under production workload when failures occur. (In order to show the effect of failure, the performance without failure is also plotted. “NF” means no failure, while “F” denotes that failure has occurred.)
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