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    2010年 第8卷 第4期    刊出日期:2010-12-25
    The whole issue of ZTE Communications December 2010, Vol. 8 No. 4
    2010, 8(4):  0. 
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    Analysis of Hot Topics in Cloud Computing
    Li Deyi, Chen Guisheng, Zhang Haisu
    2010, 8(4):  1-5. 
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    In the field of cloud computing, topics such as computing resource virtualization, differences between grid and cloud computing, relationship between high-performance computers and cloud computing centers, and cloud security and standards have attracted much research interest. This paper analyzes these topics and highlights that resource virtualization allows information services to be scalable, intensive, and specialized; grid computing involves using many computers for large-scale computing tasks, while cloud computing uses one platform for multiple services; high-performance computers may not be suitable for a cloud computing; security in cloud computing focuses on trust management between service suppliers and users; and based on the existing standards, standardization of cloud computing should focus on interoperability between services
    Introduction to Cloud Manufacturing
    Li Bohu, Zhang Lin, Chai Xudong
    2010, 8(4):  6-9. 
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    Cloud manufacturing is a new, networked and intelligent manufacturing model that is service-oriented, knowledge based, high performance, and energy efficient. In this model, state-of-the-art technologies such as informatized manufacturing, cloud computing, Internet of Things, semantic Web, and high-performance computing are integrated in order to provide secure, reliable, and high quality on-demand services at low prices for those involved in the whole manufacturing lifecycle. As an important part of cloud manufacturing, cloud simulation technology based on the COSIM-CSP platform has primarily been applied in the design of a multidisciplinary virtual prototype of a flight vehicle. This lays the foundation for further research into cloud manufacturing.
    Service-Oriented Semantic Interoperability Technologies and Standards
    He Keqing, Li Bing
    2010, 8(4):  10-14. 
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    Service-Oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) presents new challenges; in particular, how to promote interoperability and cooperation among loosely-coupled service resources. This is critical for service resource sharing and for implementing on-demand services. This paper discusses key technologies of service virtualization, including encapsulation of service interoperability (for available resources); ontology-based Role, Goal, Process, and Service (RGPS) metamodeling (for interoperable aggregation and organization of virtualization services); registration and repository management of Metamodel Framework for Interoperability (MFI) (for virtualization service management); and virtualization service ontology and its represented association with RGPS. Latest progress of the MFI and ISO standards is also discussed.
    On-Demand Service in Cloud Computing
    Xiong Jinhua, Hu Songlin, Liu Hui
    2010, 8(4):  15-20. 
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    Cloud computing provides a new paradigm for hardware and software infrastructure design as well as planning and usage of information systems. It offers flexible, efficient, inexpensive, and quality services. This paper proposes an on-demand service system using the cloud computing architecture and analyzes important issues such as organization, management, and monitoring of distributed service resources; context-aware on-demand service modeling, on-demand automated service composition in large-scale networks, and service system analysis based on complex system theory. Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) of a geo-spatial information system is taken as an example, and its architecture is analyzed from the perspective of cloud computing. Some fundamental questions are raised about its service.
    Cloud Computing: Concept, Model, and Key Technologies
    Kevin Yin
    2010, 8(4):  21-26. 
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    Cloud computing is a new network computing paradigm based on IP architecture, and its potential lies in new ICT business applications. For the majority of operators and enterprises, the main task associated with cloud computing is next generation data center transformation. This will ensure cloud computing becomes more widespread among enterprises, institutions, organizations, and operators. Cloud computing not only provides traditional IT resource usage and application services, but also supports full resource usage and application services such as IT, communications, video, mobile, and Internet of Things using a converged network infrastructure. Key cloud computing technologies include unified fabric, unified virtualization, and unified computing system. The formation of an open industry alliance and promotion of open technology standards will be critical for the future development of cloud computing.
    Cloud Storage Technology and Its Applications
    Zhou Ke, Wang Hua, Li Chunhua
    2010, 8(4):  27-30. 
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    Cloud storage employs software that interconnects and facilitates collaboration between different types of storage devices. Compared with traditional storage methods, cloud storage poses new challenges in data security, reliability, and management. This paper introduces four layers of cloud storage architecture: data storage layer (connecting multiple storage components), data management layer (providing common support technology for multiple services), data service layer (sustaining multiple storage applications), and user access layer. A typical cloud storage application—Backup Cloud (B-Cloud)—is examined and its software architecture, characteristics, and main research areas are discussed.
    Encrypted Storage and Retrieval in Cloud Storage Applications
    Huang Yongfeng, Zhang Jiuling, Li Xing
    2010, 8(4):  31-33. 
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    Problems with data security impede the widespread application of cloud computing. Although data can be protected through encryption, effective retrieval of encrypted data is difficult to achieve using traditional methods. This paper analyzes encrypted storage and retrieval technologies in cloud storage applications. A ranking method based on fully homomorphic encryption is proposed to meet demands of encrypted storage. Results show this method can improve efficiency.
    Cloud Computing Technology and Its Applications
    Zhao Pei, Lu Ping, Luo Shengmei
    2010, 8(4):  34-38. 
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    Virtualization and distributed parallel architecture are typical cloud computing technologies. In the area of virtualization technology, this article discusses physical resource pooling, resource pool management and use, cluster fault location and maintenance, resource pool grouping, and construction and application of heterogeneous virtualization platforms. In the area of distributed technology, distributed file system and Key/Value storage engine are discussed. A solution is proposed for the host bottleneck problem, and a standard storage interface is proposed for the distributed file system. A directory-based storage scheme for Key/Value storage engine is also proposed.
    Heterogeneous Vehicular Communication Architecture and Key Technologies
    Liu Fuqiang, Shan Lianhai
    2010, 8(4):  39-44. 
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    Vehicular networks have traditionally been used in specific scenarios, such as Electronic Toll Collection (ETC). New vehicular networks, however, support communication of safety information between vehicles using self-organized ad-hoc technology. Because of limitations in network architecture, current vehicular networks only provide communication for mobile terminals in a vehicle cluster. Vehicles cannot exchange information with an Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) control center nor can they access broadband wireless networks. This paper proposes a novel heterogeneous vehicular wireless architecture based on Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE, IEEE 802.11p) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX, IEEE 802.16e). A new network infrastructure and system model is introduced, and key technologies are discussed. For WAVE, these technologies include adaptive multichannel coordination mechanism and scheduling algorithm; and for WiMAX, these technologies include group handover scheme and two-level resource allocation algorithm.
    A Distributed In-Memory Database Solution for Mass Data Applications
    Dong Hao, Luo Shengmei, Zhang Hengsheng
    2010, 8(4):  45-48. 
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    In this paper, a Distributed In-Memory Database (DIMDB) system is proposed to improve processing efficiency in mass data applications. The system uses an enhanced language similar to Structured Query Language (SQL) with a key-value storage schema. The design goals of the DIMDB system is described and its system architecture is discussed. Operation flow and the enhanced SQL-like language are also discussed, and experimental results are used to test the validity of the system.
    Soft Base Station Technology in Wireless Communication Systems
    Wang Xiyu, Guo Dandan, Cui Zhuo
    2010, 8(4):  49-53. 
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    With the rapid development of wireless communications systems, different system standards are being merged. Operators take stringent measures to reduce Operational Expenditure (OPEX) and Capital Expenditure (CAPEX); and as a result, soft base stations supporting multiple standards become the evolutionary tend of wireless base stations. This paper introduces the background of soft base stations and analyzes their architecture design, system modules. The key technologies in system implementation and future directions are also presented.
    An Approach for Telecom Operators to Achieve Converged Telecom and Internet Services
    Xing Xiaojiang
    2010, 8(4):  54-56. 
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    This article discusses a possible approach for telecom operators to achieve converged telecom and Internet services. It involves integrally developing telecom networks and Internet businesses through the convergence of their instant news and social networking services. Some background, benefits for telecom operators, and possible challenges are analyzed. A new service convergence approach such as this can also facilitate triple-screen and multi-screen convergence in the future.
    Cloud Computing(4)
    Wang Bai, Xu Liutong
    2010, 8(4):  57-60. 
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    ZTE Communications Table of Contents for Volume 8, Numbers 1-4, 2010
    2010, 8(4):  63-64. 
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