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ZTE Communications ›› 2010, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (4): 34-38.

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Cloud Computing Technology and Its Applications

Zhao Pei, Lu Ping, Luo Shengmei   

  1. ZTE Corporation, Nanjing 210012, P. R. China
  • 出版日期:2010-12-25 发布日期:2020-02-28
  • 作者简介:Zhao Pei received his bachelor’s degree from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He is a chief engineer at the Communication Services R&D Institute of ZTE Corporation, and a member of the Expert Board of ZTE. He participated in the research of the single chip and large capacity digital time division switching network with ZXJ10 program-controlled switch. This technology was awarded the Torch Outstanding Project Award of Guangdong Province and the first prize of Science and Technology Advance Prize of Shenzhen. He has been granted eight patents of invention.

    Lu Ping received his master’s degree from Southeast University, China. He is director of the Communication Services R&D Institute of ZTE Corporation, and is in charge of the research and development of cloud computing platform. He has long been engaged in research and development of value-added services.

    Luo Shengmei graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1996, majoring in Communications and Electronic Information. He is a chief engineer and architect of ZTE Corporation. He is also a member of the China Cloud Computing Committee, and heads pre-research into new technologies. He was awarded the second prize of scientific and technological progress, with several invention patents. He has published a number of academic papers in the national core communication journals.

Cloud Computing Technology and Its Applications

Zhao Pei, Lu Ping, Luo Shengmei   

  1. ZTE Corporation, Nanjing 210012, P. R. China
  • Online:2010-12-25 Published:2020-02-28
  • About author:Zhao Pei received his bachelor’s degree from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He is a chief engineer at the Communication Services R&D Institute of ZTE Corporation, and a member of the Expert Board of ZTE. He participated in the research of the single chip and large capacity digital time division switching network with ZXJ10 program-controlled switch. This technology was awarded the Torch Outstanding Project Award of Guangdong Province and the first prize of Science and Technology Advance Prize of Shenzhen. He has been granted eight patents of invention.

    Lu Ping received his master’s degree from Southeast University, China. He is director of the Communication Services R&D Institute of ZTE Corporation, and is in charge of the research and development of cloud computing platform. He has long been engaged in research and development of value-added services.

    Luo Shengmei graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1996, majoring in Communications and Electronic Information. He is a chief engineer and architect of ZTE Corporation. He is also a member of the China Cloud Computing Committee, and heads pre-research into new technologies. He was awarded the second prize of scientific and technological progress, with several invention patents. He has published a number of academic papers in the national core communication journals.

摘要: Virtualization and distributed parallel architecture are typical cloud computing technologies. In the area of virtualization technology, this article discusses physical resource pooling, resource pool management and use, cluster fault location and maintenance, resource pool grouping, and construction and application of heterogeneous virtualization platforms. In the area of distributed technology, distributed file system and Key/Value storage engine are discussed. A solution is proposed for the host bottleneck problem, and a standard storage interface is proposed for the distributed file system. A directory-based storage scheme for Key/Value storage engine is also proposed.

关键词: virtualization, distributed computing, cloud computing management platform, key/value storage engine

Abstract: Virtualization and distributed parallel architecture are typical cloud computing technologies. In the area of virtualization technology, this article discusses physical resource pooling, resource pool management and use, cluster fault location and maintenance, resource pool grouping, and construction and application of heterogeneous virtualization platforms. In the area of distributed technology, distributed file system and Key/Value storage engine are discussed. A solution is proposed for the host bottleneck problem, and a standard storage interface is proposed for the distributed file system. A directory-based storage scheme for Key/Value storage engine is also proposed.

Key words: virtualization, distributed computing, cloud computing management platform, key/value storage engine