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ZP-CI/OFDM: A Power Efficient Wireless Transmission Technology
Pei Gao, Xiaohu Chen, and Jun Wang
ZTE Communications    2011, 9 (1): 45-48.  
Abstract68)      PDF (349KB)(48)       Save
Low power efficiency is a deficiency in traditional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. To counter this problem, a new wireless transmission technology based on Zero-Padding Carrier Interferometry OFDM (ZP-CI/OFDM) is proposed. In a ZP-CI/OFDM system, transmission symbols are spread to all OFDM subcarriers via carrier interferometry codes. This reduces the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) that traditional OFDM suffers and also exploits frequency diversity gain. By zero-padding at the transmitter, advanced receiver technologies can be adopted for ZP-CI/OFDM so that frequency diversity gain can be further utilized and the power efficiency of the system is improved.
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