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Influence on Multimode Rectangular Optical Waveguide Propagation Loss by Surface Roughness
Chuanlu Deng, Li Zhao, Zhe Liu, Nana Jia, Fufei Pang, and Tingyun Wang
ZTE Communications    2014, 12 (4): 49-53.   DOI: DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2014.04.007
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Optical scattering loss coefficient of multimode rectangular waveguide is analyzed in this work. First, the effective refractive index and the mode field distribution of waveguide modes are obtained using the Marcatili method. The influence on scattering loss coefficient by waveguide surface roughness is then analyzed. Finally, the mode coupling efficiency for the SMF-Optical-Waveguide (SOW) structure and MMF-OpticalWaveguide (MOW) structure are presented. The total scattering loss coefficient depends on modes scattering loss coefficients and the mode coupling efficiency between fiber and waveguide. The simulation results show that the total scattering loss coefficient for the MOW structure is affected more strongly by surface roughness than that for the SOW structure. The total scattering loss coefficient of waveguide decreases from 3.97 × 10 -2 dB/cm to 2.96 × 10 -4 dB/cm for the SOW structure and from 5.24 × 10 -2 dB/cm to 4.7 × 10 -4 dB/ cm for the MOW structure when surface roughness is from 300nm to 20nm and waveguide length is 100cm.
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Multiple-Constraint-Aware RWA Algorithms Based on a Comprehensive Evaluation Model: Use in Wavelength-Switched Optical Networks
Hui Yang, Yongli Zhao, Shanguo Huang, Dajiang Wang, Xuping Cao, and Xuefeng Lin
ZTE Communications    2012, 10 (3): 55-61.  
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Because of explosive growth in Internet traffic and high complexity of heterogeneous networks, improving the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithm in underlying optical networks has become very important. Where there are multiple links between different the node pairs, a traditional wavelength-assignment algorithm may be invalid for a wavelength-switched optical networks (WSON) that has directional blocking constraints. Also, impairments in network nodes and subsequent degradation of optical signals may cause modulation failure in the optical network. In this paper, we propose an RWA algorithm based on a novel evaluation model for a WSON that has multiple constraints. The algorithm includes comprehensive evaluation model (CEM) and directional blocking constraint RWA based on CEM (DB-RWA). Diverse constraints are abstracted into various constraint conditions in order to better assign routing and wavelength. We propose using the novel CEM to optimize routing according to an assessed value of constraints on transmission performance. This eliminates the effects of physical transmission impairments in a WSON. DB-RWA based on CEM abstracts directional blocking conditions in multiple links between network nodes into directional blocking constraints. It also satisfies rigorous network specifications and provides flexibility, scalability, and first-fit rate for the backbone, especially in multiple links between WSON nodes.
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