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Design Technologies for Silicon-Based High-Efficiency RF Power Amplifiers: A Brief Overview
Ruili Wu, Jerry Lopez, Yan Li and Donald Y.C. Lie
ZTE Communications    2011, 9 (3): 28-35.  
Abstract76)      PDF (448KB)(65)       Save
This paper presents a brief overview of several promising design technologies for high efficiency silicon-based radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) as well as the use of these technologies in mobile broadband wireless communications. Four important aspects of PA design are addressed in this paper. First, we look at class-E PA design equations and provide an example of a class-E PA that achieves efficiency of 65-70% at 2.4 GHz. Then, we discuss state-of-the-art envelope tracking (ET) design for monolithic wideband RF mobile transmitter applications. A brief overview of Doherty PA design for the next-generation wireless handset applications is then given. Towards the end of the paper, we discuss an inherently broadband and highly efficient class-J PA design targeting future multi-band multi-standard wireless communication protocols.
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