ZTE Communications ›› 2023, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 70-79.DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202302010
LIU Chenyao1, GUO Jiejie2, ZHANG Yimeng1, XU Wenjun1,3(), LIU Yiming1
About author:
LIU Chenyao received her BE degree from the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication (BUPT), China in 2022. She is currently pursuing her PhD degree at the School of Artificial Intelligence, BUPT. Her research interests include semantic communication, video coding, and machine learning.|GUO Jiejie is currently pursuing her BE degree from the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. Her research interests include semantic communication, video coding, and artificial intelligence.|ZHANG Yimeng received her BE degree from the School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication (BUPT), China in 2018. She is currently pursuing her PhD degree at the School of Artificial Intelligence, BUPT. Her research interests include semantic communication and intelligent resource allocation in emerging wireless applications. She is a graduate student Member of IEEE.|XU Wenjun (Supported by:
. [J]. ZTE Communications, 2023, 21(2): 70-79.
LIU Chenyao, GUO Jiejie, ZHANG Yimeng, XU Wenjun, LIU Yiming. SST-V: A Scalable Semantic Transmission Framework for Video[J]. ZTE Communications, 2023, 21(2): 70-79.
Number | Scheme | PSNR | MS-SSIM/dB |
1 | Without SIE, fixed Level 1 (L1) | 23.937 6 | 6.704 7 |
2 | Without SIE, fixed Level 2 (L2) | 27.307 8 | 8.743 6 |
3 | With SIE, fixed Level 1 (SIE-L1) | 26.099 3 | 7.454 1 |
4 | With SIE, fixed Level 2 (SIE-L2) | 28.900 34 | 9.754 9 |
5 | Scalable multilevel coding without SIE | 29.935 9 | 11.682 3 |
6 (SST-V) | Scalable multilevel coding with SIE | 31.190 78 | 14.349 9 |
Table 1 PSNR and MS-SSIM of different schemes
Number | Scheme | PSNR | MS-SSIM/dB |
1 | Without SIE, fixed Level 1 (L1) | 23.937 6 | 6.704 7 |
2 | Without SIE, fixed Level 2 (L2) | 27.307 8 | 8.743 6 |
3 | With SIE, fixed Level 1 (SIE-L1) | 26.099 3 | 7.454 1 |
4 | With SIE, fixed Level 2 (SIE-L2) | 28.900 34 | 9.754 9 |
5 | Scalable multilevel coding without SIE | 29.935 9 | 11.682 3 |
6 (SST-V) | Scalable multilevel coding with SIE | 31.190 78 | 14.349 9 |
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