ZTE Communications ›› 2018, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 30-39.DOI: 10.19729/j.cnki.1673-5188.2018.03.006
JIN Yichao, WEN Yonggang
About author:
JIN Yichao (yjin3@ntu.edu.sg) received the B.S and M.S degree from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT), China, in 2008 and 2011 respectively, and Ph.D degree from School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2016. His research interests are cloud computing and multimedia network.|WEN Yonggang (ygwen@ntu.edu.sg) is an associate professor with School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (minor in Western Literature) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA. Previously he has worked in Cisco to lead product development in content delivery network, which had a revenue impact of 3 Billion US dollars globally. Dr. Wen has published over 150 papers in top journals and prestigious conferences. His research interests include cloud computing, green data center, big data analytics, multimedia network and mobile computing.
. [J]. ZTE Communications, 2018, 16(3): 30-39.
JIN Yichao, WEN Yonggang. When Machine Learning Meets Media Cloud: Architecture, Application and Outlook[J]. ZTE Communications, 2018, 16(3): 30-39.
Regression | Decision tree | Bayesian network | PCA | Q-learning | Deep learning | |
Power predict and control | [ | [ | ||||
Failure predict and operate | [ | [ | [ | |||
VM configure and consolidate | [ | [ |
Table 1 Mapping between machine learning methods and cloud infrastructure services for each literature work
Regression | Decision tree | Bayesian network | PCA | Q-learning | Deep learning | |
Power predict and control | [ | [ | ||||
Failure predict and operate | [ | [ | [ | |||
VM configure and consolidate | [ | [ |
Regression | Bayesian network | K-means | PCA | Affinity propagation | Q-learning | Deep learning | |
Content recommendation | [ | [ | [ | [ | [ | ||
Content prefetching | [ | [ | [ | [ | |||
Media data adaptation | [ |
Table 2 Mapping between machine learning methods and cloud platform services for each literature work
Regression | Bayesian network | K-means | PCA | Affinity propagation | Q-learning | Deep learning | |
Content recommendation | [ | [ | [ | [ | [ | ||
Content prefetching | [ | [ | [ | [ | |||
Media data adaptation | [ |
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