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ZTE Communications ›› 2018, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 15-29.DOI: 10.19729/j.cnki.1673-5188.2018.04.004

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  • 收稿日期:2018-07-17 出版日期:2018-07-17 发布日期:2018-10-25

Optimization Framework for Minimizing Rule Update Latency in SDN Switches

CHEN Yan1,2, WEN Xitao3, LENG Xue1, YANG Bo4, Li Erran Li5, ZHENG Peng6, HU Chengchen6   

  1. 1. College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
    2. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
    3. Google Inc., Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
    4. Microsoft, Shanghai 200000, China
    5. Uber Technologies Inc., San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
    6. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
  • Received:2018-07-17 Online:2018-07-17 Published:2018-10-25
  • About author:CHEN Yan (ychen@northwestern.edu) received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of California at Berkeley, USA, in 2003. He is currently a professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, USA and a distinguished professor with the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China. Based on Google Scholar, his papers have been cited over 10,000 times and his h-index is 49. His research interests include network security, measurement, and diagnosis for large-scale networks and distributed systems. He received the Department of Energy Early CAREER Award in 2005, the Department of Defense Young Investigator Award in 2007, the Best Paper nomination in ACM SIGCOMM 2010, and the Most Influential Paper Award in ASPLOS 2018.|WEN Xitao (xitao.wen@gmail.com) received the B.S. degree in computer science from Peking University, China, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Northwestern University, USA, in 2016. His research interests span the area of networking and security in networked systems, with a current focus on software-defined network security and data center networks.|LENG Xue (lengxue_2015@outlook.com) received the B.S. degree in computer science and technology from Harbin Engineering University, China, in 2015. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree major in computer science and technology with Zhejiang University, China. Her research interests are software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), microservice and 5G protocol verification. She is a student member of the IEEE and CCF.|YANG Bo (ybo2013@zju.edu.cn) received the B.S. degree in information security from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, in 2013, and the M.S. degree in computer science from Zhejiang University, China, in 2016. He is currently a software engineer with Microsoft, Shanghai, China. His research interests include software-defined network and network security.|Li Erran Li (lierranli@gmail.com) received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Cornell University, USA. He was a researcher with Bell Labs. He is currently with Uber and also an adjunct professor with the Computer Science Department, Columbia University, USA. His research interests are in machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, and systems and wireless networking. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist. He was an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Networking and the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. He co-founded several workshops in the areas of machine learning for intelligent transportation systems, big data, software defined networking, cellular networks, mobile computing, and security.|ZHENG Peng (zeepean@gmail.com) received the B.S. degree in information security from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2015. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He was a visiting research fellow at Duke University, USA from July to August 2017 and Brown University from July to October 2018, respectively. He has authored papers in CoNEXT, ICDCS, ICNP, etc. His research interests span the area of computer networking and systems, with a focus on the programmable network and software-defined networking.|HU Chengchen (chengchenhu@gmail.com) received the B.S. degree from the Department of Automation, North-Western Polytechnical University, China, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. He worked as an assistant research professor with Tsinghua University from July 2008 to December 2010. After that, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, where he is currently a full professor. His main research interests include computer networking systems and network measurement and monitoring.
  • Supported by:
    This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No(2017YFB0801703);the Key Research and Development Program of Zhejiang Province under Grant No(2018C01088)


Benefited from the design of separating control plane and data plane, software defined networking (SDN) is widely concerned and applied. Its quick response capability to network events with changes in network policies enables more dynamic management of data center networks. Although the SDN controller architecture is increasingly optimized for swift policy updates, the data plane, especially the prevailing ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) based flow tables on physical SDN switches, remains unoptimized for fast rule updates, and is gradually becoming the primary bottleneck along the policy update pipeline. In this paper, we present RuleTris, the first SDN update optimization framework that minimizes rule update latency for TCAM-based switches. RuleTris employs the dependency graph (DAG) as the key abstraction to minimize the update latency. RuleTris efficiently obtains the DAGs with novel dependency preserving algorithms that incrementally build rule dependency along with the compilation process. Then, in the guidance of the DAG, RuleTris calculates the TCAM update schedules that minimize TCAM entry moves, which are the main cause of TCAM update inefficiency. In evaluation, RuleTris achieves a median of <12 ms and 90-percentile of < 15ms the end-to-end perrule update latency on our hardware prototype, outperforming the state-of-the-art composition compiler CoVisor by ~ 20 times.

Key words: SDN, SDN-based cloud, network management, access control, unauthorized attack