About author:CHANG Su-Wei (swchang@tmytek.com) received the M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA in 2018. He worked in Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASIAA) in Taiwan, China as a microwave/sub-mmWave receiver engineer, where he was involved in developing the mmWave and sub-mmWave receiver system for international radio telescopes. In 2014, he founded TMYTEK and is currently the president and CEO. His research interests include noise, cryogenic circuits and applications, silicon-based RFIC and MMIC up to mmWave bands. He has 45 SCI publications with more than 500 citations.|LIN Chueh-Jen is a serial entrepreneur who has founded three companies since 2007. He is the VP and co-founder of TMYTEK, a start-up company that focuses on 5G mmWave solutions. He leads the software technology and marketing teams and helped the company successfully raise pre-A and A funds. Before TMYTEK, he founded Scarlet Tech, a successful IoT company still running today. He ever worked for the smartphone maker HTC and cooperated with Microsoft and Qualcomm closely in software and wireless communications. He built the world’s largest infrared telescope (WIRCam) for CFHT in Hawaii in the first job. He received the master’s degree in electronics engineering on Quantum dots IR detectors from Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, China.|TSAI Wen-Tsai received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan, China in 2002, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Feng Chia University, Taiwan, China in 2004. He has five years of experience in the antenna-related design, including the wireless local-area network (WLAN) antenna, global position system (GPS) antenna, mmWave circuit, 5G small cell, 5G AiP module, mobile antenna and antenna diversity. Moreover, he set up the far-field antenna pattern measurement systems (in anechoic chamber) and control program and has nine-to-ten years of experience in the design of Ku and Ka bands circuits, as well as the design, fabrication and measurement of low-noise amplifiers, mixers, filters, phase-lock loop (PLL) and dielectric resonant oscillator (DRO) circuits, integrated the horn antennas. He also has rich experience in HSpice simulation of active circuits.|HUNG Tzu-Chieh received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Feng Chia University, Taiwan, China in 2006, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Central University, Taiwan, China in 2008. During college, he participated in ASIAA student program and joined the Yuan-Tseh Lee Array (YTLA, formerly AMiBA) project. He started his professional career at Lite-On technology Inc. in 2009, where he was an antenna designer. From 2013–2015, he was an RF engineer with Ubiqconn technology Inc. In March 2015, he joined TMYTEK Inc. as a RF/mmWave system designer and has become an R&D manager in February 2020. His research interests include mmWave circuit design and system integration.|HUANG Po-Chia has rich experience in embedded system software development and digital signal processing and now focuses on software system and architecture design with TMYTEK. Before TMYTEK, he joined Scarlet Tech at the end of 2014 for building up IoT solutions in safety industry. His expertise is in MCU programming and a variety of protocol stacks for wireless technologies, such as BLE and LoRa. In 2011, he worked at HTC and took responsibility of mobile graphic framework and relevant BSP for a customized mobile OS on Qualcomm Snapdragon 600. He received the master’s degree in electrical and control engineering on DSP and embedded system development from Chia-Tung University, Taiwan, China.
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