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2015年 第13卷 第4期 刊出日期:2015-12-25
The whole issue of ZTE Communications December 2015, Vol. 13 No. 4
2015, 13(4): 0.
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Special Topic
Smart City: Key Technologies and Practices
Jianhua Ma, Weifeng Lv
2015, 13(4): 1-2.
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Ubiquitous sensors,devices,networks,and information are paving the in to smart cities in which computation and intelligence are pervasive. This enables reliable,relevant information and services to be accessible to all people.Smart objects,homes,hospitals,manufacturing,and systerns will eventually be present in every city.
Although smart city is one of the hottest fields due to its great potential to make our cities more is still necessary to clarify the fundamental infrastruc. tures,platforms,and practices needed for truly smart cities.This special issue i8 dedicated to key technologies and representative practices for building smart cities. Original papers were solicited from smart·city experts,and six papers were selected for inclusion in this special issue.Each PaDer covers a different aspect of smart city research and practice.
The first paper.“Barcelona Smart City:The Heaven on Earth”by S.Madakam and R.Ramaswamy,covers both a comprehensive review on smart city and a de. tailed smart city example.Based on extensive data collection and analysis。the au. thors review smart city origin,concept,research,and applications.The paper describes a representative of smart practice:Baredona Smart City.The systematic re. view enables readers to have a clear image about the history and development of smart city.The Barcelona smart city project is also a good refeFence for other cities in carrying out their smart cities projects.
The second paper.“Smart Cities in Europe and the ALMA Logistics Project”by D.El Baz and J.Bourgeois.first surveys smart city projects in Europe to show the extent of smart transport and logistics,and then describes a smart city project related to a logistic mobile application called ALMA.The application is based on Internet of Things and combines a communication infrastructure and high.performance computing infrastructure in order to deliver high-quality mobile logistic services and that can adapt to dynamic logistics operations.
The third paper,“Smart City:On Urban Operational Collaboration”by R.Cap and W.Kou.expounds the historic origin of urban operational coordination problem that is essential to almost all cities.and then identifies related major chaUenges and opportunities to make a city smarter.Furthermore,the authors describe the IBM In. telligent Operation Center(ioc)that is a general smart city system framework as an overall solution covering various aspects in implementations of a smart city.Finally, the paper shows a detailed case study using the IOC in building an Emergency Management Centre in Rio de Janerio,Brazil.
The fourth paper,“A Novel Data Schema Integration Framework for the HumanCentric Services in Smart City”by D.Xia,D.Cui,J.Wang and Y.Wang,is focused on the effective scheme to integrate data from various sources and with different characteristics in a city.The authors propose a novel human—centric framework for data schema integration using both schema metadata and instance data for schema matching based on human intervention similarity entropy criteria to balance precision and efficiency.An experiment with real-world dataset has been conducted to test and evaluate the proposed data schema integration.
The fifth paper,“Top—Level Design of Smart City Based on ‘Integration of Four Plans”bv J.Cheng and P.Sun,presents a top—level design methodology for smart cities based on the “Integration of Four Plans”covering strategic management, spatial construction,economic development and technical sup. port.The paper also discusses optimal resource allocation;CO. ordination of the development of urban economy,society,re. sources,environment,and people’S livelihoods;and maps out the blueprints for healthy and sustainable development of a smart city.A case study using the proposed methodology for a smart city top.1evel design iS provided.
The sixth paper,“Smart City Development in China:One City One Policy”by B.Wan,R.Ma,W.Zhou and G.Zhang,is focused on the high level policy and development in managing and promoting many smart cities from government’s view point.The basic policy iS advocated as“One City One Policy” because cities differ greatly.Of ninety cities as first batch of pi. 10t smart cities announeed by t}1e Ministry of Housing and UrbanRural Development(MOHURD),this paper introduces five successful pilot cities fincluding town and districtl as five different models iU China’S smart city development.
We would like to express our great appreciations to all the authors for their contributions and all the particu. 1ar,Professor Junde Song.for their efforts in helping to im. prove the quality of the papers.We are grateful to the editorial office of zTE Communications for their strong support in bringing this special issue to press.
Barcelona Smart City: The Heaven on Earth (Internet of Things: Technological God)
Somayya Madakam, Ramaswamy Ramachandran
2015, 13(4): 3-9. doi:
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Cities are the most preferable dwelling places, having with better employment opportunities, educational hubs, medical services, recreational facilities, theme parks, and shopping malls etc. Cities are the driving forces for any national economy too. Unfortunately now a days, these cities are producing circa 70% of pollutants, even though they only occupy 2% of surface of the Earth. Public utility services cannot meet the demands of unexpected growth. The filthiness in cities causing decreasing of Quality of Life. In this light our research paper is giving more concentration on necessity of “Smart Cities”, which are the basis for civic centric services. This article is throwing light on Smart Cities and its important roles. The beauty of this manuscript is scribbling “Smart Cities” concepts in pictorially. Moreover this explains on“Barcelona Smart City”using Internet of Things Technologies”. It is a good example in urban paradigm shift. Bracelona is like the heaven on the earth with by providing Quality of Life to all urban citizens. The GOD is Interenet of Things.
Smart Cities in Europe and the ALMA Logistics Project
Didier El Baz, Julien Bourgeois
2015, 13(4): 10-15. doi:
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In this paper, a brief survey of smart citiy projects in Europe is presented. This survey shows the extent of transport and logistics in smart cities. We concentrate on a smart city project we have been working on that is related to A Logistic Mobile Application (ALMA). The application is based on Internet of Things and combines a communication infrastructure and a High Performance Computing infrastructure in order to deliver mobile logistic services with high quality of service and adaptation to the dynamic nature of logistic operations.
Smart City: On Urban Operational Collaboration
Rui Cao, Weidong Kou
2015, 13(4): 16-24. doi:
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This paper expounds the origin of urban operational coordination problem in historical setting, points out that operational coordination problem is essential to cities, induces the major challenges and opportunities for urban operating coordination at present, and takes IBM Intelligent Operation Center as example to illustrate the typical solutions with the detailed case study of the Intelligent Operation Center in Rio de Janerio.
A Novel Data Schema Integration Framework for the Human-Centric Services in Smart City
Ding Xia, Da Cui, Jiangtao Wang, Yasha Wang
2015, 13(4): 25-33. doi:
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Human-centric service is an important domain in smart city and includes rich applications that help residents with shopping, dining, transportation, entertainment, and other daily activities. These applications have generated a massive amount of hierarchical data with different schemas. In order to manage and analyze the city-wide and cross-application data in a unified way, data schema integration is necessary. However, data from human-centric services has some distinct characteristics, such as lack of support for semantic matching, large number of schemas, and incompleteness of schema element labels. These make the schema integration difficult using existing approaches. We propose a novel framework for the data schema integration of the human-centric services in smart city. The framework uses both schema metadata and instance data to do schema matching, and introduces human intervention based on a similarity entropy criteria to balance precision and efficiency. Moreover, the framework works in an incremental manner to reduce computation workload. We conduct an experiment with real-world dataset collected from multiple estate sale application systems. The results show that our approach can produce high-quality mediated schema with relatively less human interventions compared to the baseline method.
Top-Level Design of Smart City Based on "Integration of Four Plans"
Jianbo Cheng, Peng Sun
2015, 13(4): 34-39. doi:
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A smart city provides a new idea and model for urban construction, management, and development. This article proposes the concepts and methodology for top-level design of smart cities based on the“Integration of Four Plans”, and the planning process and systems for implementing the top-level design of smart cities. This article discusses, from the perspective of a city, how to optimize resource allocation, coordinate the development of urban economy, society, resources, environment, and people’s livelihood, and map out the blueprints for healthy and sustainable development of a smart city.
Smart City Development in China: One City One Policy
Biyu Wan, Rong Ma, Weiru Zhou, Guoqiang Zhang
2015, 13(4): 40-44. doi:
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China is in a process of urbanization and is aiming at a type of people-centered urbanization. The main purpose of developing a “smart city”is to help this type urbanization and to serve the people of the city. From 2012 to 2015, China has chosen more than 300 cities or towns to be national pilot“smart cities.”These pilot smart cities are located in more than 30 provinces around China, which differ greatly in thousands ways. So we advocated“One City One Policy”. In 2012, MOHURD announced 90 cities as first batch of pilot smart cities. After three years, some pilot cities achieved great progress. This paper introduces five example cities (including town, district) as five different models of China’s smart city development. They are: Guilin city; Yunlong demonstration zone; Panyu District; Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone; Lecong town. This paper also introduces our standardization work on smart city field at present.
Gateway Selection in MANET Based Integrated System: A Survey
Ye Miao, Zhili Sun, Ning Wang
2015, 13(4): 45-52. doi:
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Taking advantage of spontaneous and infrastructure-less behavior, a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) can be integrated with various networks to extend communication for different types of network services. In the integrated system, to provide inter-connection between different networks and provide data aggregation, the design of the gateway is vital. In some integrated networks with multiple gateways, proper gateway selection guarantees desirable QoS and optimization of network resource utilization. However, how to select gateway efficiently is still challenging in the integrated MANET systems with distributed behavior terminals and limited network resources. In this paper, we examine gateway selection problem from different aspects including information discovery behavior, selection criteria and decision-making entity. The benefits and drawbacks for each method are illustrated and compared. Based on the discussion, points of considerations are highlighted for future studies.
Screen Content Coding with Primary and Secondary Reference Buffers for String Matching and Copying
Tao Lin, Kailun Zhou, Liping Zhao
2015, 13(4): 53-60. doi:
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A screen content coding (SCC) algorithm that uses a primary reference buffer (PRB) and a secondary reference buffer (SRB) for string matching and string copying is proposed. PRB is typically the traditional reconstructed picture buffer which provides reference string pixels for the current pixels being coded. SRB stores a few of recently and frequently referenced pixels for repetitive reference by the current pixels being coded. In the encoder, searching of optimal reference string is performed in both PRB and SRB, and either a PRB or SRB string is selected as an optimal reference string on a string-by-string basis. Compared with HM-16.4+SCM-40 reference software, the proposed SCC algorithm can improve coding performance measured by bit-distortion rate reduction of average 4.19% in all-intra configuration for text and graphics with motion category of test sequences defined by JCT-VC common test condition.
Predicting LTE Throughput Using Traffic Time Series
Xin Dong, Wentao Fan, Jun Gu
2015, 13(4): 61-64. doi:
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Throughput prediction is essential for congestion control and LTE network management. In this paper, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and exponential smoothing model are used to predict the throughput in a single cell and whole region in an LTE network. The experimental results show that these two models perform differently in both scenarios. The ARIMA model is better than the exponential smoothing model for predicting throughput on weekdays in a whole region. The exponential smoothing model is better than the ARIMA model for predicting throughput on weekends in a whole region. The exponential smoothing model is better than the ARIMA model for predicting throughput in a single cell. In these two LTE network scenarios, throughput prediction based on traffic time series leads to more efficient resource management and better QoS.
Call for Paper: Digital Twin Online Channel Modeling for 6G and Beyond
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