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1. On-Demand Service in Cloud Computing
Xiong Jinhua, Hu Songlin, Liu Hui
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (4): 15-20.  
摘要133)      PDF (633KB)(141)    收藏
Cloud computing provides a new paradigm for hardware and software infrastructure design as well as planning and usage of information systems. It offers flexible, efficient, inexpensive, and quality services. This paper proposes an on-demand service system using the cloud computing architecture and analyzes important issues such as organization, management, and monitoring of distributed service resources; context-aware on-demand service modeling, on-demand automated service composition in large-scale networks, and service system analysis based on complex system theory. Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) of a geo-spatial information system is taken as an example, and its architecture is analyzed from the perspective of cloud computing. Some fundamental questions are raised about its service.
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