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1. Noise Feedback Coding Revisited: Refurbished Legacy Codecs and New Coding Models
Stéphane Ragot, Balázs Kövesi, and Alain Le Guyader
ZTE Communications    2012, 10 (2): 34-44.  
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Noise feedback coding (NFC) has attracted renewed interest with the recent standardization of backward-compatible enhancements for ITU-T G.711 and G.722. It has also been revisited with the emergence of proprietary speech codecs, such as BV16, BV32, and SILK, that have structures different from CELP coding. In this article, we review NFC and describe a novel coding technique that optimally shapes coding noise in embedded pulse-code modulation (PCM) and embedded adaptive differential PCM (ADPCM). We describe how this new technique was incorporated into the recent ITU-T G.711.1, G.711 App. III, and G.722 Annex B (G.722B) speech-coding standards.
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