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1. Design of Raptor-Like LDPC Codes and High Throughput Decoder Towards 100 Gbit/s Throughput
LI Hanwen, BI Ningjing, SHA Jin
ZTE Communications    2023, 21 (3): 86-92.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202303012
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This paper proposes a raptor-like low-density parity-check (RL-LDPC) code design together with the corresponding decoder hardware architecture aiming at next-generation mobile communication. A new kind of protograph different from the 5G new radio (NR) LDPC basic matrix is presented, and a code construction algorithm is proposed to improve the error-correcting performance. A multi-core layered decoder architecture that supports up to 100 Gbit/s throughput is designed based on the special protograph structure.

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2. Green Air-Ground Integrated Heterogeneous Network in 6G Era
WU Huici, LI Hanjie, TAO Xiaofeng
ZTE Communications    2021, 19 (1): 39-47.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202101006
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The research of three-dimensional integrated communication technology plays a key role in achieving the ubiquitous connectivity, ultra-high data rates, and emergency communications in the sixth generation (6G) networks. Aerial networking provides a promising solution to flexible, scalable, low-cost and reliable coverage for wireless devices. The integration of aerial network and terrestrial network has been an inevitable paradigm in the 6G era. However, energy-efficient communications and networking among aerial network and terrestrial network face great challenges. This paper is dedicated to discussing green communications of the air-ground integrated heterogeneous network (AGIHN). We first provide a brief introduction to the characteristics of AGIHN in 6G networks. Further, we analyze the challenges of green AGIHN from the aspects of green terrestrial networks and green aerial networks. Finally, several solutions to and key technologies of the green AGIHN are discussed.

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3. Analysis of Time Synchronization in PTN
Li Han
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (3): 37-41.  
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For Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (TD-SCDMA) and Time Division Long Term Evolution (TD-LTE) wireless systems, using Global Positioning System (GPS) for time synchronization is problematic. In these wireless systems, GPS is costly, insecure, and difficult to deploy. Nowadays, transportation of high precision time/phase synchronization signals via fiber, and based on Precision Time Protocol (PTP) has become mainstream technology. This paper analyzes the main factors affecting time synchronization in a Packet Transport Network (PTN) adopting IEEE 1588v2. Laboratory experiments and field tests prove the feasibility of transporting high precision time synchronization signals through a PTN adopting IEEE 1588v2. A comparison is also made between different networking modes for a PTN adopting IEEE 1588v2.
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