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1. Software-Defined Data Center
Ghazanfar Ali, Jie Hu, and Bhumip Khasnabish
ZTE Communications    2013, 11 (4): 2-7.   DOI: DOI:10.3939/j.issn.1673-5188.2013.04.001
摘要73)      PDF (471KB)(66)    收藏
Defining a software-defined data center is a vision of the future. An SDDC brings together software-defined compute, software-defined network, software-defined storage, software-defined hypervisor, software-defined availability, and software-defined security. It also unifies the control planes of each individual software-defined component. A unified control plane enables rich resource abstractions for purpose-fit orchestration systems and/or programmable infrastructures. This enables dynamic optimization according to business requirements.
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