Forest Fire Detection Using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm Implemented in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yongsheng Liu, Yansong Yang, Chang Liu, Yu Gu
ZTE Communications
2015, 13 (2):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2015.02.003
A forest fire is a severe threat to forest resources and human life. In this paper, we propose a forest-fire detection system that has an artificial neural network algorithm implemented in a wireless sensor network (WSN). The proposed detection system mitigates the threat of forest fires by provide accurate fire alarm with low maintenance cost. The accuracy is increased by the novel multicriteria detection, referred to as an alarm decision depends on multiple attributes of a forest fire. The multi-criteria detection is implemented by the artificial neural network algorithm. Meanwhile, we have developed a prototype of the proposed system consisting of the solar batter module, the fire detection module and the user interface module.
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