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1. A Lightweight Sentiment Analysis Method
YU Qingshuang, ZHOU Jie, GONG Wenjuan
ZTE Communications    2019, 17 (3): 2-8.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.201903002
摘要199)   HTML309)    PDF (926KB)(196)    收藏

The emergence of big data leads to an increasing demand for data processing methods. As the most influential media for Chinese domestic movie ratings, Douban contains a huge amount of data and one can understand users’ perspectives towards these movies by analyzing these data. In this article, we study movie’s critics from the Douban website, perform sentiment analysis on the data obtained by crawling, and visualize the results with a word cloud. We propose a lightweight sentiment analysis method which is free from heavy training and visualize the results in a more conceivable way.

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2. Towards Practical Implementation of Data and Energy Integrated Networks
HU Jie, ZHANG Yitian, YU Qin, and YANG Kun
ZTE Communications    2016, 14 (3): 45-54.   DOI: DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2016.03.006
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With the rapid development of the mobile internet and the massive deployment of the Internet of Things, mobile devices, including both the consumer electronics and the sensors, become hungrier for the energy than ever before. Conventional cable based charging largely restrict the movement of the mobile devices. Wireless charging hence emerges as an essential technique for enabling our ultimate goal of charging anytime and anywhere. By efficiently exploiting the legacy of the existing communication infrastructure, we propose a novel data and energy integrated network (DEIN) in order to realise the radio frequency (RF) based wireless charging without degrading the information transmission. In this treatise, we focus on the implementation of the DEIN in both the theoretical and practical aspects, concerning the transceiver architecture design and the rectifier circuit design. Furthermore, we also present a Wi-Fi based testbed for demonstrating the availability of the RF based wireless charging.
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