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1. Features of PBB-TE Architecture and GMPLS Control Technology
Wei Jianwen, Xie Rui, Jin Yaohui
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (3): 13-16.  
摘要92)      PDF (686KB)(78)    收藏
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) transport networks are evolving to packet-oriented, and a variety of carrier-class packet transport technologies have emerged. Provider Backbone Bridge with Traffic Engineering (PBB-TE) is a connection-oriented packet transport technology that provides good scalability and manageability, and guarantees Quality of Service (QoS). Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) is a mature transport network control plane technology that supports multiple data planes with different switching granularity. GMPLS-controlled PBB-TE is a promising solution for Packet Transport Networks (PTN)
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