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1. Differentially Authorized Deduplication System Based on Blockchain
ZHAO Tian, LI Hui, YANG Xin, WANG Han, ZENG Ming, GUO Haisheng, WANG Dezheng
ZTE Communications    2021, 19 (2): 67-76.   DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202102009
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In architecture of cloud storage, the deduplication technology encrypted with the convergent key is one of the important data compression technologies, which effectively improves the utilization of space and bandwidth. To further refine the usage scenarios for various user permissions and enhance user’s data security, we propose a blockchain-based differential authorized deduplication system. The proposed system optimizes the traditional Proof of Vote (PoV) consensus algorithm and simplifies the existing differential authorization process to realize credible management and dynamic update of authority. Based on the decentralized property of blockchain, we overcome the centralized single point fault problem of traditional differentially authorized deduplication system. Besides, the operations of legitimate users are recorded in blocks to ensure the traceability of behaviors.

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2. Full-Service Operation and IMS Network Management
Chen Jian, Wang Dezheng, Liu Wei
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (2): 48-50.  
摘要99)      PDF (450KB)(119)    收藏
IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) is considered as a comprehensive approach for full-service operation. However, traditional network management concepts are not applicable to IMS network management. This is because IMS is characterized by a flat, all-IP architecture, simplified functionality of Network Elements (NE), and a variety of NEs. This paper introduces an IMS network management system design that covers full-service operation. It then discusses the significant role IMS network management plays in the unification of NE management layers, the increasing importance of end-to-end applications, and the convergence of Enhanced Telecom Operation Map (eTOM) and IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
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