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1. Study of the China PTN Industry Standard and Its Key Issues
Zhang Haiyi, Li Fang
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (3): 1-4.  
摘要117)      PDF (356KB)(154)    收藏
In the area of carrier technologies, Packet Transport Networking (PTN) continues to attract significant research interest. Although international standards are not yet complete, China is leading the way in developing PTN equipment and network applications. General Technical Requirements for Chinese Packet Transport Networks is the PTN industry standard in China defined by China Communications Standards Association (CCSA). This article introduces the background of PTN technology and standards, then illustrates four important aspects: PTN network architecture, multi-services bearing and data transfer function, PTN network protection, and OAM architecture and functional requirements. Taking the profit motives of Chinese carriers and vendors into consideration, some key issues in PTN technology selection, network applications, and future evolution are discussed.
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