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1. An MEC and NFV Integrated Network Architecture
LI Bing, ZHANG Yunyong, XU Lei
ZTE Communications    2017, 15 (2): 19-25.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2017.02.003
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The demand for 5G services and applications is driving the change of network architecture. The mobile edge computing (MEC) technology combines the mobile network technology with cloud computing and virtualization, and is one of the key technologies for 5G networks. Compared to network function virtualization (NFV), another critical enabler of 5G networks, MEC reduces latency and enhances the offered capacity. In this paper, we discuss the combination of the two technologies and propose a new architecture. Moreover, we list the application scenarios using the proposed architecture.

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2. Service-Oriented Semantic Interoperability Technologies and Standards
He Keqing, Li Bing
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (4): 10-14.  
摘要95)      PDF (596KB)(82)    收藏
Service-Oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) presents new challenges; in particular, how to promote interoperability and cooperation among loosely-coupled service resources. This is critical for service resource sharing and for implementing on-demand services. This paper discusses key technologies of service virtualization, including encapsulation of service interoperability (for available resources); ontology-based Role, Goal, Process, and Service (RGPS) metamodeling (for interoperable aggregation and organization of virtualization services); registration and repository management of Metamodel Framework for Interoperability (MFI) (for virtualization service management); and virtualization service ontology and its represented association with RGPS. Latest progress of the MFI and ISO standards is also discussed.
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