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1. Network Coding-Based Interference Management Scheme in D2D Communications
WANG Shuang, HOU Ronghui
ZTE Communications    2017, 15 (2): 48-54.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2017.02.007
摘要99)   HTML1)    PDF (521KB)(51)    收藏

In this paper, we propose an interference management scheme for device-to-device (D2D) communications in cellular networks. Considering the underlay D2D communications, the signal quality of cellular users would be affected by D2D users. To solve this problem, we explore the application of network coding and relay-assistance to mitigate interference. In the proposed scheme, helper nodes overhear the signal from cellular users, encode the received packets, and send the encoded packets to the base station. We design the helper node selection scheme and the transmission policy of helper nodes. The performance of the proposed scheme for different positions of the cellular user and D2D users is then evaluated. The results suggest that the cellular transmission scheme should be adjusted dynamically when underlay D2D communications are active. Compared with the existing solutions, the proposed scheme can effectively increase system throughput.

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2. Routing in Cognitive Networks
Li Hongyan, Li Jiandong, Hou Ronghui
ZTE Communications    2010, 8 (2): 40-42.  
摘要97)      PDF (394KB)(156)    收藏
Cognitive networks are capable of learning and reasoning. They can dynamically adapt to varying network conditions in order to optimize end-to-end performance and utilize network resources efficiently. This paper proposes a cognitive network routing scheme that includes a context information collection entity, a route manager entity, a route reconfiguration entity, and reasoning and learning entity
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