ZTE Communications ›› 2023, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 11-21.DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.202303003
FENG Bingyi, FENG Mingxiao, WANG Minrui, ZHOU Wengang, LI Houqiang()
About author:
FENG Bingyi received his BE degree in computer science from Anhui University, China in 2021. He is working towards his MS degree at University of Science and Technology of China. His research interest focuses on deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, and machine learning systems.|FENG Mingxiao received his BE degree in computer science from University of Science and Technology of China in 2017. Now he is working towards his PhD degree with the School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests mainly include deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, and large language model.|WANG Minrui received his BE degree in computer science from Anhui University, China in 2020, and his MS degree from the University of Science and Technology of China, in 2023. His research interests mainly include deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, and machine learning for recommendation systems.|ZHOU Wengang and LI Houqiang are the corresponding authors.|LI Houqiang (Supported by:
. [J]. ZTE Communications, 2023, 21(3): 11-21.
FENG Bingyi, FENG Mingxiao, WANG Minrui, ZHOU Wengang, LI Houqiang. Multi-Agent Hierarchical Graph Attention Reinforcement Learning for Grid-Aware Energy Management[J]. ZTE Communications, 2023, 21(3): 11-21.
Climate Zone 2A | Climate Zone 3A | Climate Zone 4A | Climate Zone 5A | |||||||||||||
NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | |
RBC | 86 181 | 0.0% | 158 736 | 0.0% | 110 902 | 0.0% | 193 751 | 0.0% | 83 648 | 0.0% | 162 076 | 0.0% | 106 823 | 0.0% | 195 277 | 0.0% |
A2C | 79 905 | 7.3% | 154 662 | 2.6% | 101 102 | 8.8% | 185 201 | 4.4% | 81 648 | 2.4% | 158 902 | 2.0% | 93 365 | 12.6% | 174 671 | 10.6% |
PPO | 79 601 | 7.6% | 153 849 | 3.1% | 100 954 | 9.0% | 184 365 | 4.8% | 81 224 | 2.9% | 155 645 | 4.0% | 92 920 | 13.0% | 173 997 | 10.9% |
MAA2C | 73 264 | 15.0% | 139 654 | 12.0% | 89 423 | 19.4% | 162 249 | 16.3% | 74 569 | 10.9% | 144 274 | 11.0% | 79 369 | 25.7% | 154 786 | 20.7% |
MAPPO | 73 919 | 14.2% | 139 210 | 12.3% | 88 236 | 20.4% | 160 345 | 17.2% | 74 126 | 11.4% | 144 316 | 11.0% | 78 314 | 26.7% | 150 322 | 23.0% |
HMAA2C | 64 516 | 25.1% | 125 497 | 20.9% | 78 158 | 29.5% | 146 392 | 24.4% | 63 105 | 24.6% | 122 568 | 24.4% | 60 766 | 43.1% | 127 494 | 34.7% |
HMAPPO | 63 320 | 26.5% | 123 116 | 22.4% | 77 724 | 29.9% | 145 946 | 24.7% | 62 865 | 24.8% | 121 829 | 24.8% | 59 887 | 43.9% | 125 386 | 35.8% |
Table 1 Overall performance on four scenarios, where HMAA2C and HMAPPO refers to MAA2C and MAPPO applied with multi-agent hierarchical graph attention (MAHGA) (↓ denotes the lower the better, and↑ denotes the higher the better)
Climate Zone 2A | Climate Zone 3A | Climate Zone 4A | Climate Zone 5A | |||||||||||||
NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | NSVV↓ | SRR↑ | NHVV↓ | HRR↑ | |
RBC | 86 181 | 0.0% | 158 736 | 0.0% | 110 902 | 0.0% | 193 751 | 0.0% | 83 648 | 0.0% | 162 076 | 0.0% | 106 823 | 0.0% | 195 277 | 0.0% |
A2C | 79 905 | 7.3% | 154 662 | 2.6% | 101 102 | 8.8% | 185 201 | 4.4% | 81 648 | 2.4% | 158 902 | 2.0% | 93 365 | 12.6% | 174 671 | 10.6% |
PPO | 79 601 | 7.6% | 153 849 | 3.1% | 100 954 | 9.0% | 184 365 | 4.8% | 81 224 | 2.9% | 155 645 | 4.0% | 92 920 | 13.0% | 173 997 | 10.9% |
MAA2C | 73 264 | 15.0% | 139 654 | 12.0% | 89 423 | 19.4% | 162 249 | 16.3% | 74 569 | 10.9% | 144 274 | 11.0% | 79 369 | 25.7% | 154 786 | 20.7% |
MAPPO | 73 919 | 14.2% | 139 210 | 12.3% | 88 236 | 20.4% | 160 345 | 17.2% | 74 126 | 11.4% | 144 316 | 11.0% | 78 314 | 26.7% | 150 322 | 23.0% |
HMAA2C | 64 516 | 25.1% | 125 497 | 20.9% | 78 158 | 29.5% | 146 392 | 24.4% | 63 105 | 24.6% | 122 568 | 24.4% | 60 766 | 43.1% | 127 494 | 34.7% |
HMAPPO | 63 320 | 26.5% | 123 116 | 22.4% | 77 724 | 29.9% | 145 946 | 24.7% | 62 865 | 24.8% | 121 829 | 24.8% | 59 887 | 43.9% | 125 386 | 35.8% |
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