ZTE Communications ›› 2019, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 27-32.DOI: 10.12142/ZTECOM.201904005
HAN Bin1(), Hans D. SCHOTTEN1,2
About author:
HAN Bin. [J]. ZTE Communications, 2019, 17(4): 27-32.
HAN Bin, Hans D. SCHOTTEN. Machine Learning for Network Slicing Resource Management:A Comprehensive Survey[J]. ZTE Communications, 2019, 17(4): 27-32.
Reference | Slice admission control | Cross-slice resource allocation | Policy-based | Auction-based | Note |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | User admission control on every individual slice according to tenant-specific policies to allocate resources cross slices. |
[ | N | Y | Y | Y | Policy-based user admission control and user dropping on every slice to guarantee QoS; auction-based intra-slice resource allocation among users; budget-based inter-slice resource allocation. Dynamic cross-slice resource allocation not considered. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Grouping users according to behaviors and social relationships; bio-inspired methods to update the groups; policy-based cross-slice resource allocation according to group status |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Uniformed slice size, binary slice admission control according to the active slice set, genetic algorithm to optimize the policy. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Deep Q-learning assisted allocation policy optimization. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | A Markov model for policy-based slice admission control. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Jointly optimizing the base station bandwidth and the backhaul capacity as a bi-convex problem. |
[ | N | Y | N | Y | Non-cooperative auction among slices for network resources, implemented with OpenFlow |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Q-learning assisted slice admission control policy optimization. |
[ | N | Y | Y | Y | A preliminary conference version of[ |
[ | N | Y | N | Y | A two-level slicing mechanism with 1) a price competition among network chunks to determine resource prices and 2) an auction mechanism to allocate resources among slices. |
[ | N | Y | N | Y | Optimizing the resource price function to maximize the total profit of slices / the net social welfare of network. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Empirical investigation on the diversity gain in SlaaS. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Sharing RAN resources among users according to both base station assignment and slice assignment. User admission control on every slice to shape traffic and guarantee the QoS. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Splitting the policy optimization problem into two sub-problems, one from the MNO’s perspective to maximize the revenue and the other on (every) tenant’s side to minimize the cost. A distributed optimization is therefore achieved through a game-fashion iteration of price updating. Both resource constraints and service fairness are taken account of. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Optimize the RAN resource allocation policy taking into account of the resource-partitioning problem. |
[ | Y | Y | Y | N | A two-layer framework merging slice admission control and cross-slice resource allocation. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Allocating users to subcarriers across different MVNOs to maximize the overall network profit, assuming the cost proportional to both power and bandwidth. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Multiple queues for different slice types, taking into account impatient behavior of tenants. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Dynamic resource allocation based on deep neural network assisted traffic prediction. Data-driven black-box optimization. |
[ | Y | Y | Y | N | Optimizing RAN resource allocation among slices and non-sliced network, where admissions to slice requests are controlled w.r.t. the demanded resource efficiency. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Modeling MNO’s revenue under policy-based slice admission control, analyzing the construction of optimal policy. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Studying the rational behavior of impatient tenants in policy-based slice admission control with multiple queues. |
Table 1 A summary of existing works on resource management in network slicing
Reference | Slice admission control | Cross-slice resource allocation | Policy-based | Auction-based | Note |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | User admission control on every individual slice according to tenant-specific policies to allocate resources cross slices. |
[ | N | Y | Y | Y | Policy-based user admission control and user dropping on every slice to guarantee QoS; auction-based intra-slice resource allocation among users; budget-based inter-slice resource allocation. Dynamic cross-slice resource allocation not considered. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Grouping users according to behaviors and social relationships; bio-inspired methods to update the groups; policy-based cross-slice resource allocation according to group status |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Uniformed slice size, binary slice admission control according to the active slice set, genetic algorithm to optimize the policy. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Deep Q-learning assisted allocation policy optimization. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | A Markov model for policy-based slice admission control. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Jointly optimizing the base station bandwidth and the backhaul capacity as a bi-convex problem. |
[ | N | Y | N | Y | Non-cooperative auction among slices for network resources, implemented with OpenFlow |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Q-learning assisted slice admission control policy optimization. |
[ | N | Y | Y | Y | A preliminary conference version of[ |
[ | N | Y | N | Y | A two-level slicing mechanism with 1) a price competition among network chunks to determine resource prices and 2) an auction mechanism to allocate resources among slices. |
[ | N | Y | N | Y | Optimizing the resource price function to maximize the total profit of slices / the net social welfare of network. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Empirical investigation on the diversity gain in SlaaS. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Sharing RAN resources among users according to both base station assignment and slice assignment. User admission control on every slice to shape traffic and guarantee the QoS. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Splitting the policy optimization problem into two sub-problems, one from the MNO’s perspective to maximize the revenue and the other on (every) tenant’s side to minimize the cost. A distributed optimization is therefore achieved through a game-fashion iteration of price updating. Both resource constraints and service fairness are taken account of. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Optimize the RAN resource allocation policy taking into account of the resource-partitioning problem. |
[ | Y | Y | Y | N | A two-layer framework merging slice admission control and cross-slice resource allocation. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Allocating users to subcarriers across different MVNOs to maximize the overall network profit, assuming the cost proportional to both power and bandwidth. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Multiple queues for different slice types, taking into account impatient behavior of tenants. |
[ | N | Y | Y | N | Dynamic resource allocation based on deep neural network assisted traffic prediction. Data-driven black-box optimization. |
[ | Y | Y | Y | N | Optimizing RAN resource allocation among slices and non-sliced network, where admissions to slice requests are controlled w.r.t. the demanded resource efficiency. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Modeling MNO’s revenue under policy-based slice admission control, analyzing the construction of optimal policy. |
[ | Y | N | Y | N | Studying the rational behavior of impatient tenants in policy-based slice admission control with multiple queues. |
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