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1. A Mobility Management Solution Based on ID/Locator Separation
Yuhong Li, Yunjing Hou, and Shiduan Cheng
ZTE Communications    2011, 9 (2): 39-43.  
摘要42)      PDF (349KB)(79)    收藏
Current mobility management solutions based on ID/Locator separation are not easily deployed and cannot solve routing scalability and mobility problems. This paper proposes a novel network architecture based on ID/Locator separation and suggests a new mobility management solution. This solution solves the problem of scalability in the network and also provides better support for mobility. It can be easily deployed because no modification of the mobile host’s protocol stack is required. The identifier contains some routing information; so the solution provides intrinsic interworking with traditional mobile hosts. Because the mapping systems are distributed to the edge networks, robustness of the whole system is enhanced and handover delay is decreased.
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