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1. Channel Modeling for Air-to-Ground Wireless Communication
Yingcheng Shi, Di He, Bin Li, Jianwu Dou
ZTE Communications    2015, 13 (2): 41-45.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2015.02.008
摘要105)      PDF (502KB)(129)    收藏
In this paper, we discuss several large-scale fading models for different environments. The COST231-Hata model is adapted for air-to-ground modeling. We propose two criteria for air-toground channel modelling based on test data derived from field testing in Beijing. We develop a new propagation model that is more suitable for air-to-ground communication that previous models. We focus on improving this propagation model using the field test data.
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